This week’s top news returns by highlighting Continuous Delivery as a best practice in software delivery. Continue reading for more on the latest DevOps news and trends.
If you're doing Agile sprints and discovering that there are too many unknowns in your planning, perhaps you need to look at a pre-planning phase for your features.
Coding by pairing, you can learn a lot about a domain. However, if you work feature-by-feature, Johanna Rothman suggests swarming or mobbing. What do you prefer?
So you've begun the journey to devops- you're breaking down your team silos and trying to deploy more frequently. But how do you know the whole process is functioning properly?
Let's take a step back and look at the rise of microservices and REST and the apparent decline of SOAP-based web services. What are the statistics and the reasons?
Your stakeholders should know what's going on during an Agile transition. There are ten ways that you can improve or implement stakeholder communication to keep them in the loop.
Many people wonder who really benefits from agile and how. Below, I will walk you through five important reasons to apply Agile principles and values and how everyone can benefit from it in the long run.
Learn how using time boxes can keep your agile team operating smoothly and how scope boxes lend itself well to the maintenance portion of your project.