Creating A Custom Camel Component
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from(uri).bean(MyBean.class); ... public class MyBean { public void doSomething(Exchange exchange) { //do something... } }
using a Processor...
from(uri).process(new MyProcessor()); ... public class MyProcessor implements Processor { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { //do something... } }
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.camel.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=camel-archetype-component -DarchetypeVersion=2.7 -DarchetypeRepository= -DgroupId=org.apache.camel.component -DartifactId=camel-ben
This will create a new Maven component project that contains an example HelloWorld component as seen here...
- HelloWorldComponent
- endpoint factory which implements createEndpoint()
- HelloWorldEndpoint
- producer/consumer factory which implements createConsumer(), createProducer(), createExchange()
- HelloWorldConsumer
- acts as a service to consumes request at the start of a route
- HelloWorldProducer
- acts as a service consumer to dispatch outgoing requests and receive incoming replies
- Exchange
- encapsulate the in/out message payloads and meta data about the data flowing between endpoints
- Message
- represent the message payload
- their is an IN and OUT message for each exchange
When you define a route that uses your new component as a consumer, like this
It does the following:
- creates a HelloWorldComponent instance (one per CamelContext)
- calls HelloWorldComponent createEndpoint() with the given URI
- creates a HelloWorldEndpoint instance (one per route reference)
- creates a HelloWorldConsumer instance (one per route reference)
- register the route with the CamelContext and call doStart() on the Consumer
- consumers will then start in one of the following modes:
- event driven - wait for message to trigger route
- polling consumer - manually polls a resource for events
- scheduled polling consumer - events automatically generated by timer
- custom threading - custom management of the event lifecyle
When you define a route that uses your new component as a producer, like this
from("direct:start").to("helloworld:foo");It does the following:
- creates a HelloWorldComponent instance (one per CamelContext)
- calls HelloWorldComponent createEndpoint() with the given URI
- creates a HelloWorldEndpoint instance (one per route reference)
- creates a HelloWorldProducer instance (one per route reference)
- register the route with the CamelContext and start the route consumer
- the Producer's process(Exchange) method is then executed
- generally, this will decorate the Exchange by interfacing with some external resource (file, jms, database, etc)
Published at DZone with permission of Ben O'Day, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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