Draw, Plot 2d Line In C# (csharp) - Bresenham's Line Algorithm
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public interface ISetPixel
void SetPixel(Point point);
public partial class Algorithms2D
public delegate void SetPixel(Point point);
public static void Line(Point p0,Point p1,G plot)
where G:ISetPixel
int x0=p0.X;
int y0=p0.Y;
int x1=p1.X;
int y1=p1.Y;
bool steep=abs(y1-y0)>abs(x1-x0);
if (steep)
swap(ref x0,ref y0);
swap(ref x1,ref y1);
if (x0>x1)
swap(ref x0,ref x1);
swap(ref y0,ref y1);
int deltax=x1-x0;
int deltay=abs(y1-y0);
int error=-deltax/2;
int ystep;
int y=y0;
if (y00)
struct CSetPixel:ISetPixel
public CSetPixel(SetPixel setPixel)
SetPixel setPixel;
#region ISetPixel Members
public void SetPixel(Point point)
public static void Line(Point p0,Point p1,SetPixel plot)
Line(p0,p1,new CSetPixel(plot));
private static int abs(int p)
return Math.Abs(p);
private static void swap(ref T x0,ref T y0)
T z=x0;
unit tests (c# 3.0):
public class Line
public void LineDiagonal()
List l = new List();
Algorithms2D.Line(new Point(0,0),new Point(3,3),z=>l.Add(z));
Assert.AreEqual(3, l.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(0, 0), l[0]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(1, 1), l[1]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(2, 2), l[2]);
public void Line45()
List l = new List();
Algorithms2D.Line(new Point(0, 0),new Point(6, 3), z => l.Add(z));
Assert.AreEqual(6, l.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(0, 0), l[0]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(1, 0), l[1]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(2, 1), l[2]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(3, 1), l[3]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(4, 2), l[4]);
Assert.AreEqual(new Point(5, 2), l[5]);
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