How I Used BeanUtils for Editing a JPA Entity
Want a quick, easy way to edit JPA entities? See how one dev made use of BeanUtils to copy over relevant data from source to target.
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Join For FreeSo I was wondering how to edit an entity using Spring JPA/ Hibernate.
Below is how my model looked like:
public class Vehicle {
strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) (
private Long id;
name="brand") (
private String brand;
name="type") (
private String type;
name="model") (
private String model;
fetch = FetchType.LAZY) (
name="owner_id",nullable=false) (
private Owner owner;
//getters and setters
And this is how originally I was exposing the method for editing Vehicle:
public Vehicle editVehicleDetails(long vehicleId , Vehicle vehicle) {
Vehicle original = vehicleRepository.findById(vehicleId).orElse(null);
if(vehicle.getBrand()!=null) {
//setting other attributes if not null
In the above snippet, I am checking if the given vehicle attribute is non-null and setting it to the original. The problem with this approach is that I have to check each and every attribute for not null and then set it to the original.
So I came up with the BeanUtils for solving it. First of all, I came up a generic method to get the null fields in any object as below:
public static Set<String> getNullPropertyNames (Object source,String... extra) {
final BeanWrapper src = new BeanWrapperImpl(source);
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[] pds = src.getPropertyDescriptors();
Set<String> emptyNames = new HashSet<String>();
for(java.beans.PropertyDescriptor pd : pds) {
Object srcValue = src.getPropertyValue(pd.getName());
if (srcValue == null) {"attribute {}",pd.getName());
for(String args : extra) {
return emptyNames;
Here I have given a var args extra . This is to give additional functionality: Like if we want to ignore additional fields in a model, it can be provided here, which will be added to the set as well.
Now in the service layer, I used BeanUtils to copy from the source to the target.
public Vehicle editVehicleDetails(long vehicleId , Vehicle vehicle) {
Vehicle original = vehicleRepository.findById(vehicleId).orElse(null);
Set<String> ignoreFields = com.amoebiq.product.vehiman.controller.utils.BeanUtils.getNullPropertyNames(vehicle,"id","owner");
BeanUtils.copyProperties(original, vehicle,ignoreFields.toArray(new String[ignoreFields.size()]));;
This reduced a lot of work for me, and I am using it across all my services. Hope this helps.
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