Platform as Code With Openshift and Terraform
Learn how to set up a pipeline workflow with Openshift and the Terraform infrastructure-as-code tool to configure builds and deployments.
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Join For FreeRed Hat Openshift is a Platform-as-a-Service — PaaS — that delivers things like build and deployment of Docker images over Kubernetes and many other resources. HashiCorp Terraform is a tool to implement Infrastructure-as-Code with many types of providers.
Notes About Openshift Build and Deployment Configuration
The platform is defined by code, this code is managed by Git, built, analyzed, and versioned by the CI tool, and deployed by Terraform. If we used build or deployment offered by Openshift, the lifecycle will be managed outside of our platform-as-code pipeline, and we would not be able to reproduce the right state, or we would never know what the right configuration is. These problems are maximized if our team uses the web console.
HashiCorp Terraform is a tool to implement Infrastructure-as-Code that offers many providers for infrastructure deployment. You can look at the documentation here.
There is no specific provider for Openshift, but there is one for Kubernetes, and we will use this. In fact, Openshift exposes the entire REST API of Kubernetes.
Get the Tools
Install Docker
To install Docker properly, follow the instructions for your operating system.
Up the Openshift Cluster
For this article, we will use Openshift Origin, which can be up by following these steps.
See more details about Origin here.
Configure the insecure registry
In Debian, edit /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
and add this configuration to the end of the line which starts with ExecStart
The file will look as follows:
Description=Docker Application Container Engine
Documentation= docker.socket firewalld.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --insecure-registry
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
Execute these two commands:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
Now you are ready to up the Openshift Origin cluster. To do this is very simple, just type oc cluster up
If you got the output below everything is OK, but if you have any issues, read the official documentation.
Starting OpenShift using openshift/origin:v3.6.0 ...
OpenShift server started.
The server is accessible via web console at:
You are logged in as:
User: developer
Password: <any value>
To login as administrator:
oc login -u system:admin
The Code
To illustrate a real use case I will deploy the platform for an app written in NodeJS with the following resources:
namespace: aka Project in Openshift, that will accommodate the resources below.
configmap: key/value configuration.
secret: passwords, certificates, credentials.
replication controller: control the replicas of Pods.
service: the load balancer.
route: Openshift native resource to exposes the service through an URL.
To address the route creation, we use an Openshift JSON definition and deploy it using Openshift CLI.
It’s possible to classify the resources created in Openshift by the longevity of the lifecycle. I can see three: long, short, and ephemeral.
long: resources with long longevity will be replaced in some point in the future, but this will happen with low frequency because you can’t move it, or once created, you will replace it after a long period of use. It’s the case of namespace, resource quota, and volume. Volumes can’t be moved from one namespace to another.
short: resources with a short lifecycle are replaced with some frequency because it’s necessary to apply new configurations or change some parameters. It’s the case of the limit range, route, and service.
ephemeral: its life cycle is shorter than all others and has a high replace frequency. It’s the case of the replication controller, configmap, and secret.
The high level of segregation of resources in the cluster, commonly known as Project on Openshift ecosystem.
Persistent Volume
Volumes are persistent storage to mount in containers and used to save data.
This is the way that Openshift exposes the app to the outside world.
Used to balance the load between Pods. Pods are instances that can accommodate one or more Docker containers. As a best practice, use just one container per Pod.
Used to store credentials, certificates, or sensitive data and consume them through volume mounts or environment variables.
Configmap stands for Configuration Map; they can be consumed as environment variables or volume mounts.
Replication Controller
This is our main resource. Replication Controllers are responsible by the number of replicas and auto-scale the Pods, creating them using template.
Never, really, really never launch Pods directly.
The Pipeline
To manage the environments, we use the pipeline (to get deep, read this awesome article written by Kief Morris). In a few words, we have one definition to apply in development, UAT, and production that will be parametrized through the pipeline stages.
The strategy used to address the environment segregation is one cluster, separating the development, pre-production and production environments using namespaces. In other words, distinct namespaces (projects) within a cluster. Get deep here.
CI Tool
To run the pipeline, I choose Jenkins with a Pipeline plug-in.
Source Repository
All resources belong to the same repository with the following layout.
When you have distinct sets of resources per environment, one for development, one for pre-production, and another for production, put them in separate subdirectories in the repository.
For enterprise environments, I suggest putting the namespace, resource quota, and limit range files in another repository for governance purposes, and for secrets, use a vault tool like HashiCorp Vault. But these are subjects for another article.
Terraform has variables placeholders; use them to parametrize your resources. I use them to fill metadata annotations and label selectors because they are very common fields in Kubernetes resources.
For conversion, I suggest you adopt a manifest file to publish metadata like version and name of the project. Name it
and use the Terraform variable notation.
Below, you can see an example of a manifest.
"variable": {
"acronym": {
"default": "oss"
"project": {
"default": "opensource"
"app": {
"default": "apigateway"
"iac_version": {
"default": "0.6.2"
The Terraform provider for Kubernetes does not have a definition to manage route creation because routes are native to Openshift, but we need to expose the app to the world. We use routes to do this and we process this resource on our own in the pipeline.
In every deploy, use oc create -f route.json
to create the route because it’s not possible to manage the state of this resource unless we implement something similar to Terraform tfstate.
We do the setup of the Kubernetes provider using a file named
The final repository layout may look like this:
All the code is available here.
To implement the pipeline, we use the Jenkins Declarative Pipeline, which is amazing and has a lot of tools and plug-ins. To perform the deployment, we use Rundeck with some custom shell scripts.
Another important aspect is the workflow used to work with Git branches. I am a fan of Gitflow — A Successful Git branching model — by Vincent Driessen and, because it’s a robust branching model, the pipeline is modeled to work side-by-side with Gitflow.
In this article, I implement continuous delivery. Basically, there’s an approval stage waiting for user input to proceed with the deployment in the Production environment. And, if you are interested in knowing the differences between continuous delivery and continuous deployment, read this post.
In the build, we inject metadata in the
, like build date, build id, build name, Git commit, Git branch, etc, and create the versioned package to perpetuate it in the artifact server.
Setup: Always start the pipeline with a setup to configure common stuff to use in all stages, like version, id, build number, package name, etc.
Build: Responsible for injecting the metadata within
, the generated version
, and creating the tar ball file.Publish: Publish the package to the artifact server. Here I am using Sonatype Nexus.
The package is a tar gzip file, created using the command below.
tar --exclude='./.git'
--exclude='./Jenkinsfile' \
--exclude='*.tar.gz' \
-czv ./src \
-f package-name.tar.gz
It’s necessary to exclude Git metadata, Jenkinsfile and some pre-existing tar files, and the package-name.tar.gz
should be a variable with the correct name and version of the package created in the setup stage.
To publish the package, I use just the curl to directly call the upload API.
curl -u 'username:password' \
--upload-file 'package-name.tar.gz' \
The username:password
is the credential that has access to the upload API, which you should replace with the real one.
This is responsible for getting the versioned package, extracting the content, identifying the environment, injecting the deploy metadata in
, processing the route.json
, and proceeding to the deployment running the terraform apply
command and oc create
At this stage, a call is made to the Rundeck API, passing as parameters the versioned package, the build number, and the job name, and following the execution log to get the success or failure status.
To perform this operation, I developed a shell script that triggers and follows the execution of Rundeck Jobs. See it below:
# Shell script to trigger and follow the rundeck job execution.
# Author: Fábio José de Moraes
# E-mail:
# Necessary environment variables
# Arguments
# $1: The job argument's Name
# $2: The job argument's Value
# $3: Rundeck Job ID
# Necessary installed linux tools
# sed
# jq
# cut
# grep
# curl
curl -X POST \
-d "j_username=$RUNDECK_USERNAME" \
-d "j_password=$RUNDECK_PASSWORD" \
-b "$COOKIES" \
-c "$COOKIES" \
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
# Trigger the job with one custom argument, 'ci-name' with Jenkins JOB_NAME and 'ci-id' with Jenkins BUILD_NUMBER
http=$(curl -s -X POST \
-b "$COOKIES" \
-c "$COOKIES" \
-d "argString=-$1 $2 -ci-name $JOB_NAME -ci-id $BUILD_NUMBER" \
"$RUNDECK_URL/api/1/job/$3/run" \
-w '%{http_code}')
if [ $? = 0 ] && [ "$http" = "200" ]; then
# Get execution ID
runid=$(echo $(cat $LOGFILE) | grep -oh "execution id='[0-9]*'" | cut -d '=' -f2 | sed "s|'||g")
echo " - - - - - - START - RUNDECK EXECUTION ID: $runid"
# Get execution state and logs
while :; do
if [ -z "$offset" ]; then
if [ -z "$lastmod" ] || [ "$lastmod" = "null" ]; then
curl -s -X GET \
-b "$COOKIES" \
-c "$COOKIES" \
"$RUNDECK_URL/api/5/execution/$runid/output.json?offset=$offset&lastmod=$lastmod" \
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
# Get the offset
offset=$(jq -r '.offset' $LOGFILE)
# Get the lastmod
lastmod=$(jq -r '.lastModified' $LOGFILE)
# Get the completed
completed=$(jq -r '.completed' $LOGFILE)
# Get the unmodified
unmodified=$(jq -r '.unmodified' $LOGFILE)
# Show log lines
jq -r '.entries[] | .log?' $LOGFILE
if [ "$completed" = "true" ]; then
while :; do
# Check the execution status
curl -s -X GET \
-b "$COOKIES" \
-c "$COOKIES" \
"$RUNDECK_URL/api/1/execution/$runid" \
result=$(echo $(cat $LOGFILE) | grep -oh "status='[a-z]*'" | cut -d '=' -f2 | sed "s|'||g")
if [ "$result" = "succeeded" ]; then
echo " - - - - - - - END - RUNDECK EXECUTION ID: $runid"
exit 0
elif [ "$result" = "running" ]; then
sleep 2
echo " - - - - - -FAILED - RUNDECK EXECUTION ID: $runid >>> STATUS: $result"
exit 5
if [ "$unmodified" = "true" ]; then
sleep 5
sleep 2
echo "Failed to get rundeck log."
exit 4
echo "Failed to trigger rundeck job."
exit 3
echo "Rundeck configuration is not valid!"
exit 2
DEV Deploy: Deploys the platform perpetuated in the versioned package. All branches from gitflow are allowed to perform deployments in the development environment: develop, feature-*, release-*, hotfix-*, master, etc.
PRE Deploy: Just the versioned package built from release-*, hotfix-* and master branches will be deployed to the pre-production environment.
PRO Deploy: Finally, just sources from the master branch will be deployed to production.
As I said, we have an approval stage, and at this point, the pipeline stops and waits for user input to proceed or abort the deployment to production. This stage just executes when the sources are from the master branch.
Tests are very important to guarantee the integrity of the deployed platform, checking some key points and determining if all is as expected. For now, I will just show you simple tests, but in another article, I will get deep into infrastructure tests.
There is one stage for testing: Acceptance Testing.
Acceptance Testing
There are many tools to perform tests, but nothing specific to test a deployed platform in Openshift or Kubernetes. I chose Cucumber- more precisely, cucumber.js.
To work properly, it's necessary to have a combination of tools installed and configured as a slave node in Jenkins:
Cucumber.js 3.10
NodeJS 6.11
Openshift CLI 3.6.0
Basically, I wrote the steps calling the Openshift CLI, querying the deployed platform and getting JSON files that are parsed and tested using the Cucumber engine.
First I wrote the features using the Gherkin syntax.
The scenario below is defined to test if all pods managed by a replication controller have the status running.
Feature: Replication Controller
As a user of Openshift PaaS
I want to query Pods managed by a replication controller
So I will get all of then running and with a right setup
Scenario: All pods are running
Given I am logged in Openshift as "developer"
And access to "oss-pre" namespace
When query the pods of "apigateway" replication controller
Then all pods managed by "apigateway" replication controller should have the status equals to "running"
Second, I wrote the test code: a JavaScript file that implements the steps defined for each scenario.
The example below shows how I address the tests using native calls to Openshift CLI and get the returned JSON, parse it, and do assertions to validate what is defined.
const defineSupportCode = require("cucumber").defineSupportCode;
let exec = require("child_process").exec;
let fs = require("fs");
let openshift_password = process.env.OPENSHIFT_PASSWORD || "developer";
let openshift_url = process.env.OPENSHIFT_URL || "";
let build_id = process.env.BUILD_NUMBER || "1";
let build_name = process.env.JOB_NAME || "cucumber";
defineSupportCode(function({Before, After, Given, When, Then}){
let memento = {};
let workdir = "/tmp/" + build_name + "-" + build_id;
let exec_opt = {};
exec_opt["env"] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(process.env));
exec_opt.env["HOME"] = workdir;
Given('I am logged in Openshift as {string}', function (username, callback) {
/* Native call to perform login into Openshift API through the Openshift Client Tools */
exec("oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify -u '" + username + "' -p '" + openshift_password + "' '" + openshift_url + "' ", exec_opt, function(error, stdout, stderr){
} else {
Given('access to {string} namespace', function (namespace, callback) {
/* Test access to namespace */
exec("oc project " + namespace, exec_opt, function(error, stdout, stderr){
} else {
When('query the pods of {string} replication controller', function (rc, callback) {
/* Get all pods managed by the replication controller */
exec("oc get pods -l app=" + rc + " -o json", exec_opt, function(error, stdout, stderr){
} else {
memento[rc] = JSON.parse(stdout);
Then('all pods managed by {string} replication controller should have the status equals to {string}', function (rc, podstatus, callback) {
let pods = memento[rc];
let errors = [];
/* Check the status of all pods */
if(pod.status.phase.toLowerCase() !== podstatus.toLowerCase()){
pod :,
status: pod.status.phase
if(errors.length !== 0){
callback(new Error(JSON.stringify(errors)));
} else {
Third, run the tests! When this command is run and ends with success, a JSON report will be generated and archived in Jenkins.
./node_modules/.bin/cucumber.js --format json:cucumber-report.json
All the test files must belong to a Git repository with the following layout:
Now, let me explain the basic flow and tool interactions used to implement the pipeline, from the platform coder workstation to running the platform within Openshift.
The platform coder pushes his or her code and test to the Git repository.
Git repository manager, through a webhook, triggers the Pipeline execution. Then Jenkins clones the entire repository and builds the versioned package.
Jenkins publishes the versioned package within Sonatype Nexus.
Jenkins triggers the deploy within Rundeck, sending the URL of the versioned package published in Sonatype Nexus.
Rundeck performs the download of the versioned package from Sonatype Nexus, unpacks it, injects metadata, and proceeds to deployment. At this moment, the environments are managed by the pipeline..
Rundeck invokes Terraform with the code that must be deployed within the platform.
Terraform initializes the provider for Kubernetes and deploys the platform code within Openshift.
Using the Openshift CLI, Rundeck performs the deploy of native resources.
Jenkins with Cucumber.js performs tests on the deployed platform.
Finally, Jenkins sends the end status of the pipeline execution to the Rocket.Chat.
This is the high-level description of the main functionality implemented in the pipeline for deploying the platform-as-code, coded using Terraform Domain Specific Language — DSL.
The Jenkinsfile
Now, see the complete Jenkinsfile file with Pipeline declarative syntax used to build, test, and deploy the platform code. I’ve put comments in strategic lines if you want to understand the details.
pipeline {
/* run in any agent (a.k.a. node executor) */
agent any
stages {
stage('Setup') {
steps {
script {
/* Check the GIT_BRANCH to compute the target environment */
if (env.GIT_BRANCH == 'origin/develop' || env.GIT_BRANCH ==~ /(.+)feature-(.+)/) {
target = 'dev'
} else if (env.GIT_BRANCH ==~ /(.+)release-(.+)/) {
target = 'pre'
} else if (env.GIT_BRANCH == 'origin/master') {
target = 'pro'
} else {
error "Unknown branch type: ${env.GIT_BRANCH}"
/* Get the version from version manifest: src/ */
oversion = sh(script: "jq -r '.variable.iac_version.default' src/", returnStdout: true).trim()
/* Create the real version with Jenkins BUILD_NUMBER */
version = oversion.take(10) + '-' + env.BUILD_NUMBER
oversion = oversion.take(10)
iacname = env.JOB_NAME
/* Your Project or Organization name */
prjname = 'oss-opensource'
/* Create the package name with the real version */
packname = iacname + '-v' + version + '.tar.gz'
/* Create the URL used to publish the package to Sonatype Nexus */
publish_url = env.NEXUS_URL + '/repository/raw-terraform/' + prjname + '/' + packname
steps {
/* Inject the Build metadata in the src/ */
sh "sed -i 's/iac-provider/terraform/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-artifact/${packname}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-scm-commit/${env.GIT_COMMIT}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's|iac-scm-branch|${env.GIT_BRANCH}|g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-by/jenkins/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-name/${env.JOB_NAME}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-id/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-date/${currentBuild.startTimeInMillis}/g' src/"
/* Inject the real version, overwriting the original */
sh "sed -i 's/${oversion}/${version}/g' src/"
/* Create the package using a tar call */
sh "tar --exclude='./.git' --exclude='./Jenkinsfile' --exclude='*.tar.gz' -czv ./src -f " + packname
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'nexus-credential', passwordVariable: 'NEXUS_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'NEXUS_USERNAME')]) {
/* Publish to Sonatype Nexus using curl */
sh 'curl -u $NEXUS_USERNAME:$NEXUS_PASSWORD --upload-file ' + packname + ' ' + publish_url
stage('DEV Deploy'){
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'rundeck-credential', passwordVariable: 'RUNDECK_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'RUNDECK_USERNAME')]) {
* Using a custom script to trigger and follow the rundeck job execution.
* Get this script here:
* The custom script is saved in Jenkins using the Managed Script Plugin.
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'rundeck-follow', variable: 'FOLLOW')]) {
/* job param package url rundeck job id */
sh 'bash $FOLLOW "artifact" "' + publish_url + '" "29cd3a68-e101-4176-907c-6fdf5bde13e7"'
stage('PRE Deploy'){
/* Just execute this stage when the targets are 'pre' or 'pro' */
when {
expression { return target == 'pre' || target == 'pro' }
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'rundeck-credential', passwordVariable: 'RUNDECK_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'RUNDECK_USERNAME')]) {
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'rundeck-follow', variable: 'FOLLOW')]) {
sh 'bash $FOLLOW "artifact" "' + publish_url + '" "ec0393b9-f0eb-4341-8812-eae241ef6544"'
stage('Acceptance Test') {
/* Just execute this stage when the target is 'pro' */
when {
expression { target == 'pro' }
/* Run the tests in another agent */
agent {
label 'openshift_cli'
/* Use cucumber.js to perform the integrated tests */
steps {
sh 'cd test && npm install'
sh 'cd test && npm test'
/* Parse the report and generate the html reports */
cucumber 'test/cucumber-report.json'
stage('Approval') {
when {
expression { target == 'pro' }
steps {
/* Wait 30 minutes to the user input, after this the pipeline will be aborted */
timeout(time:30, unit:'MINUTES') {
input message: "Deploy to Production?", id: "approval"
stage('PRO Deploy'){
when {
expression { return target == 'pro' }
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'rundeck-credential', passwordVariable: 'RUNDECK_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'RUNDECK_USERNAME')]) {
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'rundeck-follow', variable: 'FOLLOW')]) {
sh 'bash $FOLLOW "artifact" "' + publish_url + '" "f31fb4bb-4f55-4f23-9c03-784008acb5c4"'
/* Post pipeline execution, conditioned to the its status */
post {
success {
/* Sends notification to Rocket.Chat */
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'green',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Success',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
failure {
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'red',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Failure',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
unstable {
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'yellow',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Unstable',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
aborted {
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'gray',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Aborted',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
As you can see, there are some more stages for notifications that send messages to Rocket.Chat and the team get details without accessing the Jenkins web console, like status, version, branch, etc.
The Jenkinsfile is another file that could belong to the Git repository, as below.
Final Words
These are my observations and experience from fieldwork with Openshift in corporations.
Now, if you are building something similar to this or have any comments, questions or improvements, I’d love to hear from you.
Get the code here:
Published at DZone with permission of Fabio Jose Moraes. See the original article here.
Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.