Scaling and Sizing with PDFJam
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Join For FreeI find myself needing to take a PDF, output it at a specific size, and have the result offset to the top right hand side of the screen. To achieve it, I needed a few new switches to my good friend PDFJam, so I thought I'd share my command!
pdfjam --suffix converted --papersize '{1920px,1080px}' --scale 0.4 --trim "-6cm -1cm 13cm 8cm" slides.pdf
The --suffix
is instead of giving an output filename, whatever you feed in ends up with the suffix in its filename. This is very handy because I use this command in a script and only need to pass in one variable. The --papersize
isn't a switch I have used before either but you can set exact sizes for the final output which is nice. The --trim
switch can also be used to set --clip=true
to remove the trimmed space from the document if desired.
I find PDFJam a very handy tool but with not nearly enough blog posts and code snippets around, so I'm dropping my command for future reference (yours as well as mine!).
Published at DZone with permission of Lorna Mitchell, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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