Secure your Spring Boot Web App in 5 Minutes with pac4j
pac4j is a full security library, easy and powerful, which supports authentication and authorization, but also application logout and advanced features like CSRF protection.
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Join For FreeI'm proud to announce the release of spring-webmvc-pac4j v1.0 ( based on pac4j v1.8 ( for any Spring MVC / Boot web application. It's a full security library, easy and powerful, which supports authentication and authorization, but also application logout and advanced features like CSRF protection.
It supports most authentication mechanisms: OAuth (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo...), CAS, HTTP (form, basic auth...), OpenID, SAML, Google App Engine, OpenID Connect, JWT, LDAP, RDBMS, MongoDB and Stormpath and authorization checks (role / permission, CSRF token...)
In four easy steps, secure your webapp:
1) add the dependency on the library (spring-webmvc-pac4j) and on the required authentication mechanisms (the pac4j-oauth library for Facebook for example)
2) define the authentication mechanisms (clients) and authorizers (to check authorizations). For example: Facebook authentication and ROLE_ADMIN
public class Pac4jConfig {
public Config config() {
FacebookClient facebookClient = new FacebookClient("fbId", "fbSecret");
Config config = new Config("http://localhost:8080/callback", facebookClient);
config.addAuthorizer("admin", new RequireAnyRoleAuthorizer("ROLE_ADMIN"));
return config;
3) Define the callback controller on the /callback url (by scanning the appropriate package):
basePackages = "org.pac4j.springframework.web") (
4) Secure the /facebook/* url to require the user to be authenticated and perform a Facebook authentication if he is not:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private Config config;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
.addInterceptor(new RequiresAuthenticationInterceptor(config, "FacebookClient"))
or in addition, requires the user to have the ROLE_ADMIN:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private Config config;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
.addInterceptor(new RequiresAuthenticationInterceptor(config, "FacebookClient", "admin"))
Read the documentation: and the demo:
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