Write Your Kubernetes Infrastructure as Go Code — Cdk8s-Plus in Action!
Reducing boilerplate code with cdk8s-plus library.
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Join For FreeOne of my previous blog posts covered how to get started with cdk8s (Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes), which is an open-source framework (part of CNCF) using which you can define your Kubernetes applications using regular programming languages (instead of yaml
You were able to set up a simple nginx
Deployment and accessed it via a Service
- all this was done using Go, which was then converted to yaml
(using cdk8s synth
) and submitted to the cluster using kubectl
. This was a good start. However, since the core cdk8s
library is pretty low-level (for a good reason!) the code involved a lot of boilerplate (you can refer to the code here).
leverages building blocks from cdk8s
core library, thereby helping reduce verbosity and complexity by providing higher level abstractions/APIs for all Kubernetes objects such as Deployment
s, Service
s, etc. In this blog, we will see cdk8s-plus
in action and even deploy WordPress on Kubernetes with it!
Let’s Start by Revamping the Nginx Deployment
To witness how cdk8s-plus
works, it's best to look at the code.
It is available on Github.
I will walk you through the code as we go along.
func NewNginxChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *NginxChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
var cprops cdk8s.ChartProps
if props != nil {
cprops = props.ChartProps
chart := cdk8s.NewChart(scope, jsii.String(id), &cprops)
dep := cdk8splus22.NewDeployment(chart, jsii.String("deployment"), &cdk8splus22.DeploymentProps{Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String("nginx-deployment-cdk8s-plus")}})
Name: jsii.String("nginx-container"),
Image: jsii.String("nginx"),
Port: jsii.Number(80)})
Name: jsii.String("nginx-container-service"),
ServiceType: cdk8splus22.ServiceType_LOAD_BALANCER,
Ports: &[]*cdk8splus22.ServicePort{{Port: jsii.Number(9090), TargetPort: jsii.Number(80)}}})
return chart
We start by creating a Deployment, then add a container and finally expose it using a Service. This is quite intuitive and user-friendly.
The container details could have been provided via DeploymentProps but using
seemed more natural (at least to me).
To generate Kubernetes manifest, simply run cdk8s synth
. This will generate a yaml
in the dist
folder. Here is an example (some of the names, labels, etc. will be different in your case):
apiVersion apps/v1
kind Deployment
name nginx-deployment-cdk8s-plus
cdk8s.io/metadata.addr nginx-cdk8s-plus-deployment-c84b388e
maxSurge 25%
maxUnavailable 25%
type RollingUpdate
cdk8s.io/metadata.addr nginx-cdk8s-plus-deployment-c84b388e
image nginx
imagePullPolicy Always
name nginx-container
dnsPolicy ClusterFirst
fsGroupChangePolicy Always
apiVersion v1
kind Service
name nginx-container-service
cdk8s.io/metadata.addr nginx-cdk8s-plus-deployment-c84b388e
type LoadBalancer
Both the
are present in the same manifest, since they were declared in the sameChart
It's worth noting that there was no need to specify any Pod
label selectors, template labels (in Deployment
code) or Service
selector. cdk8s-plus
took care of it by auto-generating cdk8s.io/metadata.addr: nginx-cdk8s-plus-deployment-c84b388e
, which was used in spec.selector.matchLabels
and spec.template.metadata.labels
, along with the Service selector
in nginx-container-service
A note on dependencies
lists all the modules:
require (
github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs/v10 v10.1.42
github.com/aws/jsii-runtime-go v1.61.0
github.com/cdk8s-team/cdk8s-core-go/cdk8s/v2 v2.3.31
github.com/cdk8s-team/cdk8s-plus-go/cdk8splus22/v2 v2.0.0-rc.23
Note that we are using cdk8splus22
. The reason for this naming convention is because each cdk8s-plus
library is separately vented to target a specific Kubernetes version - the 22
at the end signifies that this dependency will work with Kubernetes 1.22
I would recommend reading the FAQs to get further clarity
To test this locally...
... you can use minikube, kind, etc.
git clone https://github.com/abhirockzz/cdk8s-for-go-developers
cd part2-cdk8s-plus-in-action/nginx-example
# make sure cluster is running
minikube start
# create the resources
kubectl apply -f dist/
kubectl get pods -w
Once Pod
is running, check the Service
kubectl get svc
In a terminal, run this command (it runs as a separate process):
minikube tunnel
To access the nginx
server, navigate to the external IP (as per the Service
). In the case of minikube, you can simply use localhost:9090
How About a WordPress Installation on Kubernetes?
I like this example - it's not overly complex but realistic enough because it has multiple moving parts that include a combination of stateless, stateful components, different kinds of services, etc.
This post is not a deep dive into
and loosely inspired by this article in the Kubernetes documentation, which I assume folks might be familiar with.
The main
function will give you a sense of what lies ahead:
func main() {
app := cdk8s.NewApp(nil)
mySQLChart := NewMySQLChart(app, "mysql", nil)
wordpressChart := NewWordpressChart(app, "wordpress", nil)
So far, we have dealt with a single chart. Our WordPress cdk8s
application has two separate charts - one for MySQL database and the other one for WordPress. This will result in two different manifests being created as a result of cdk8s synth
Let's look at the MySQL chart first
some code has been omitted for brevity
We start by defining a Kubernetes Secret
to store MySQL password (with NewSecret):
func NewMySQLChart(scope constructs.Construct, id string, props *MyChartProps) cdk8s.Chart {
secretName := "mysql-pass"
password := "Password123"
mysqlSecret := cdk8splus22.NewSecret(chart, jsii.String("mysql-secret"),
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(secretName)}})
secretKey := "password"
mysqlSecret.AddStringData(jsii.String(secretKey), jsii.String(password))
MySQL password has been declared in the code - not a best practice by any means, just for demo. Do not do this in production!
Then we create the Deployment
and provide container details. Notice how the Secret
has been added as an environment variable to the container:
- First, we got an EnvValue using EnvValue_FromSecretValue
- That was added to the container using Env#AddVariable
dep := cdk8splus22.NewDeployment(chart, jsii.String("mysql-deployment-cdk8splus"), &cdk8splus22.DeploymentProps{})
containerImage := "mysql"
mysqlContainer := dep.AddContainer(&cdk8splus22.ContainerProps{
Name: jsii.String("mysql-container"),
Image: jsii.String(containerImage),
Port: jsii.Number(3306),
envValFromSecret := cdk8splus22.EnvValue_FromSecretValue(&cdk8splus22.SecretValue{Key: jsii.String(secretKey), Secret: mysqlSecret}, &cdk8splus22.EnvValueFromSecretOptions{Optional: jsii.Bool(false)})
mysqlContainer.Env().AddVariable(jsii.String(mySQLPasswordEnvName), envValFromSecret)
For durable storage, we create a PersistentVolumeClaim, use that to define a Volume, and mount it onto the container at the path /var/lib/mysql
mysqlPVC := cdk8splus22.NewPersistentVolumeClaim(chart, jsii.String("mysql-pvc"), &cdk8splus22.PersistentVolumeClaimProps{
AccessModes: &[]cdk8splus22.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{cdk8splus22.PersistentVolumeAccessMode_READ_WRITE_ONCE},
Storage: cdk8s.Size_Gibibytes(jsii.Number(2))})
mysqlVolumeName := "mysql-persistent-storage"
mysqlVolume := cdk8splus22.Volume_FromPersistentVolumeClaim(chart, jsii.String("mysql-vol-pvc"), mysqlPVC, &cdk8splus22.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeOptions{Name: jsii.String(mysqlVolumeName)})
mySQLVolumeMountPath := "/var/lib/mysql"
mysqlContainer.Mount(jsii.String(mySQLVolumeMountPath), mysqlVolume, &cdk8splus22.MountOptions{})
Finally, we create a Service:
mySQLServiceName := "mysql-service"
clusterIPNone := "None"
cdk8splus22.NewService(chart, jsii.String("mysql-service"), &cdk8splus22.ServiceProps{
Metadata: &cdk8s.ApiObjectMetadata{Name: jsii.String(mySQLServiceName)},
Selector: dep,
ClusterIP: jsii.String(clusterIPNone),
Ports: &[]*cdk8splus22.ServicePort{{Port: jsii.Number(3306)}},
Unlike previous example, we create a
explicitly and then refer toDeployment
object in the service selector.
WordPress Chart - Except for minor differences, it's the same as the MySQL chart with WordPress-specific configuration obviously. So I won't repeat it here - feel free to explore the code.
Time to Kick off WordPress on Kubernetes!
Rinse and repeat - cdk8s synth
to create the manifest and apply it with kubectl
cd part2-cdk8s-plus-in-action/wordpress
#create manifests
cdk8s synth
#apply them
kubectl apply -f dist/
#output - you will see something similar to:
secret/mysql-pass created
deployment.apps/mysql-mysql-deployment-cdk8splus-c83762d9 created
persistentvolumeclaim/mysql-mysql-pvc-c8799bba created
service/mysql-service created
deployment.apps/wordpress-wordpress-deployment-cdk8splus-c8252da7 created
service/wordpress-service created
persistentvolumeclaim/wordpress-wordpress-pvc-c8334a29 created
In a different terminal run (if not already running):
minikube tunnel
Use your browser to navigate to http://localhost:80. You should see the familiar WordPress installation screen.
Go ahead, finish the installation and log into your WordPress instance. Feel free to experiment. Maybe try deleting the MySQL deployment and re-create it. Thanks to the PersistentVolume
, MySQL data should be recovered and WordPress will continue to work.
Awesome! In this blog, you saw the expressiveness of cdk8s-plus
. We started off with a compact and less verbose version of the Nginx deployment and ended up with a full-fledged WordPress instance - all using Go.
Happy coding!
Published at DZone with permission of Abhishek Gupta, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.