If you've heard the buzz about Jenkins for CI/CD and want to get started, this guide will teach you all the steps (and workarounds for problems) you'll need.
Learn about service meshes, the new emerging standard that you'll want to implement as a communication layer in your microservices after seeing its benefits.
Setting an agenda and thoroughly planning a meeting not only gets everyone out on time, but helps them feel more confident about the meeting's takeaways.
Getting ready for an interview at a bank? Here are some Java language questions you should be ready for as well as which topics in general you can expect.
Following are the skills that you need to become a machine learning engineer. These skills are described in more detail in the video at the end of this article.
Learn how to protect your web application from SSRF vulnerabilities by learning what exactly they are and how bad actors can use them to target your system.
If you are dealing with money or precision is a must, use BigDecimal. Otherwise, Doubles tend to be good enough. Let's dive into this concept a little more.
It's simple to build a career recommendation engine with Neo4j. Learn how to do so based on what technology a developer knows, how advanced they are, and where they live.
A call to action from a frustrated developer! No, actually, it's more of a tutorial to show you how to speed up Ansible yourself. Probably much more useful.