Kafka is great for event streaming architectures, continuous data integration (ETL), and messaging systems of record (database). Learn how to enhance your Kafka applications.
Data teams can drive quantifiable ROI by establishing a strong experimentation program. Here are the lessons we’ve learned at Airbnb and the New York Times.
Compare Apache Kafka and Pulsar, highlighting unique features and core distinctions. It aims to provide insight into mechanisms and inform decision-making.
Building Docker images are time-consuming. Speed up the Dockerfile build by utilizing Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and optimizing Docker Cache management
Learn outer loop practices in production using AWS Lambda and DynamoDB in part 2 on making serverless Java for dynamic data processing with a NoSQL database.
Explore the fundamentals of operating and leveraging binary serialized data structures in this deep dive into effective and efficient data utilization.
Writing Infrastructure as Code (IaC). This post shows an example of creating a simple HTML form and serving it up in a Lambda function that can be accessed from a URL.
To retain the most flexibility and portability with open-source data technology and projects, here's why you should consider a run-in-your-own-account cloud strategy.