The author provides five criteria to help you make the distinction between an API that is RESTful based on the original meaning versus the colloquial meaning of REST.
In this article, Tyler Treat looks at NATS Streaming and Apache Kafka, compares features of both, and quantifies their performance characteristics through benchmarking.
Software-defined everything seems to be everywhere these days. In this article, Olga Annenko discusses software-defined integration and what it should mean to you.
Learn how you can make your application act like multiple, independent apps by implementing multi-tenancy and keeping your data accessible by the tenants.
Read this post and learn how to take the first steps away from imperative database programming in Java using Hibernate and then how to go fully declarative with the Speedment stream ORM.
In this article, James Higginbotham explains what an SDK is, the differences between SDKs and helper libraries, and four different SDK patterns for API providers.
DZone's Tom Smith talked with Contrast Security co-founder and CTO Jeff Williams about how some companies use the cloud, what it offers, and how it could, and should change.