In most cases, writing your own database is a bad idea. Luckily, there are some when it's not and there's no risk. If that's your case, take the chance; it's lots of fun!
The Gang of Four were instrumental in solidifying the classic Java design patterns, but has their usefulness fallen off in a world with microservices and frameworks?
When it comes to sharding MySQL clusters, significant challenges can be faced. Take a look at some of them, how to address them, and why they're worth overcoming.
Microservices' benefits come with added complexity among the dependencies. Fortunately, linkerd's per-request routing can help stage microservices to make sure they work.
I know this code was written to be readable and easy to explain rather than be able to withstand the vagaries of production, but it's still a very dangerous thing to do.
See how to linkerd as your ingress vector ingress to a Kubernetes cluster while also handling service routing, with NGINX to help make it production-ready.
When I first started, I was having issues using the Mock message processor in MUnit to mock message processors. Learn how to spare yourself of this mistake.
Look at annotations that can be applied to a class to create indexes that have been specified within the class. See what indexes do and how they can decrease query times.