There should be an open-source API formation designer that spans cloud providers, allowing architects to define which resources are available that anyone can fork or run.
There are many ways to integrate CloudWatch with the ELK Stack. See how to use a Lambda function to send logs directly from CloudWatch into the ELK Stack.
Learn about the behavior of Apache Spark's RDD partitions during a union operation and the different cases in which you might find unknown results during the operation.
Pivot tables are great for summarizing data. Fortunately, you can use Streams to prepare and sort your data so you can put it into a more readable format.
Learn how to create a serverless Angular app, and get rid of concerns like elasticity, scale, and resiliency so you can concentrate fully on your code.
Learn how to use Amazon SQS with a simple Java program to send a message from a producer running in a process and consume the message by a consumer in another process.
How to get started using free, preprocessed CommonCrawl web crawl datasets that you could use for machine learning, natural language processing, and more.
web3j seamlessly integrates with Spring Frameworks. Simply create a new Spring Boot app, add the starter to your configuration, and create a service with web3j.
MySQL manages primary keys as clustered indexes. That means you're looking a performance hit with some synthetic primary keys. Here's when to avoid them.
If your packages aren't in the right place, you're going to have a bad time. See how to tell Spring where your entities are so they don't get lost in the fray.