If you're working on a small project or don't have the funds to pay for an automated bug tracking solution, you can create your own bug tracker in your JS source code.
Using Spring Data with Cassandra 3 extends Spring's power into more NoSQL. This detailed tutorial includes setting up Apache Cassandra and some basic interactions.
Using Anypoint Platform, you can develop a full cycle of API applications. Using RAML, you can define your service’s APIs, build an app, and share the API.
Data-driven testing facilitates test procedures, demonstrates more capability in discovering bugs, and ensures quality with logical input to assure successful deployment.
Nulls and the dreaded NPE can be awful, but by maintaining encapsulation, keeping your code simple, and using nulls only in certain situations, you can come out on top.
You can customize a Mule caching strategy so that the Mule cache scope actions can operate on the Redis data store. You can also try other third-party caching frameworks.
If you have Redis, Node.js, and the Heroku toolbelt installed on your machine, then you've got everything you need to build a real-time chat application.
MongoDB's views are a recent innovation that help with both data security and abstraction. They don't use disk space or a physical schema, so see how they work!
When it comes to dynamic SQL, all jOOQ statements are dynamic. You can also look to functional programming-optimized tricks like the Strategy Pattern to help.
In the final article to his comprehensive series on learning Oracle JET, Chris Muir goes over the Oracle JET Common Model & Collection API, a client-side JavaScript API for accessing remote REST web services and plugging them into our JET UI components.
Let's look into the Apache Ignite Cluster Layer, a GitHub project that includes the basic building blocks needed to implement a proposed microservices-based architecture.