Apache Lucene's indexing and searching capabilities make it attractive for any number of uses—development or academic. See an example of how the search engine works.
There are many paid email services out there that offer various integration features. However, most of the time, they aren’t 100% customizable to one’s requirements.
Postman is convenient for executing APIs because once you’ve entered and saved them, you can use them over and over again without having to remember exact information.
Merging continuous deployment and serverless tech is possible. Assuming you've got a pivot machine, you can combine the power of your Octopus deploys and AWS Lambda.
If you're using MySQL before 5.7, shifting partitions can be a hassle. Fortunately, you can chain your moves together to shift your partition from one table to another.
Of course you want to back up your DB. But if it's large, with lots of commands, then it might take a while to load. Setting up PostgreSQL's binary backups is a solution.
Logz.io has announced a new API that will enable users to safely and securely query the data that they are shipping to Logz.io using the Elasticsearch Search API DSL.
Spring Cloud Eureka's self-preservation tool is great for network problems, but it could keep your instances around when you don't want to. Fortunately, you can fix that.
If you can't find a good scheduler lock, then build one yourself. This DIY project prevents concurrent execution of scheduled Spring tasks, should the need arise.