One of Mule's powerful features is SOAP Connect, which turns your WSDL into the connector and install in the Mule design palette within less than a few minutes.
Using SQS and Celery together, you can process a million requests automatically by scaling back-end processors and perform database maintenance with zero downtime.
This solution provides human-friendly content when operated by a human user, and more structured and well-defined content when operated by a software agent.
Mulesoft provides a wide range of connectors. The MS SQL server can be used with Mulesoft to query data from a table, insert data into a table, and more.
In this post, we'll go over creating custom actions in Rails controllers, and when it is appropriate, and not appropriate, to use them in your Rails code.
I'm positively surprised by Apache Camel. Before I started working on this example, I didn’t expect it to have so many features for microservice solutions.
By making some changes, appending some properties to log4j.xml, and using custom Java code to connect to the database, we can make logging to a database possible.
This simple solution could meet most of the enterprises’ applications or APIs needs. Enterprises need to implement rate limiting in their applications.
Spring Boot and Swagger 2 play together very well. Just add the dependencies, one configuration file, and a bunch of annotations, and you're ready to go!
Private Web APIs are more commonplace than most developers realize. We’ve been here before, with public and private APIs, and we can learn from the past.
With cloud-native microservices, you can develop, test, deploy, and maintain independent lightweight services while combining various other technologies.