The case is made for using Java EE 7 and 8 over Spring. Whether it's backward compatibility, the minimal configuration, or other benefits, here's what he has to say.
Read this post and learn how you can process data from a database in parallel using parallel streams and Speedment, which can lead to significant speed increases.
The instructions on Apache and Sonatype's sites are pretty good at helping get a library released to Maven central. But it can be a bit painful. Read on to find out more.
Follow one dev's thoughts on how you should handle exceptions, ranging from dealing with your catch blocks to using try-with-resources to avoiding using them at all.
Take a look at how Stormpath built their API with Spring Boot, including step-by-step instructions for setting up dependency injection, JSON conversion, and more.
Matt Pavlovich explains what the Maven Release Plugin is, why some people have been complaining about it, how to ensure success when using it, and more.
If you are using Docker and Java, you might want to build the image from a Dockerfile in your build tool. In this post, we discuss how to do this in both cases.