Working with off-heap storage can make a big difference when working with large data sets. But how do you know how much memory you have at your disposal? Read this article and find out!
Monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting are key activities in any enterprise application lifecycle, and logging is the core part of these activities. Meet Logback, a logging framework from the creator of Log4J.
See how detecting Java race conditions is actually rather easy. In Part I of this two-part article, you will see how to detect lost updates, the first type of Java race conditions.
The Base64 encoding and decoding is a long overdue JDK API feature. As part of Java 8 the Base64 encoding and decoding feature came into the Java standard library.
Learn how to make immortal Java objects by resurrecting objects that are about to be removed by Java's Garbage Collector. By using object resurrection, you can make your objects live as long as you want, without changing the applications that are using your objects.
In this article, we will show how to create a cross-desktop kiosk application that runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and displays modern web content using Java Swing GUI Toolkit and our library based on the Chromium engine—JxBrowser.