There are several parser-generators out there and most of them are good enough for most goals you may have. Among them I tend to use ANTLR more than others: it is mature, it is supported, and it is fast. Read on for the full explanation.
To enable SAML Single Sign-On in Wildfly, you also need to enable SSL for the inbound connection / call back when the users browser sends their token supplied by the Identity Provider to avoid man in the middle attacks. Read on for more information.
ASM is a Java bytecode manipulation library. Mocking frameworks and runtime code generators use it to dynamically generate Java classes. Here is an introduction to how it works.
JavaFX is an awesome UI framework, but there can definitely be deployment issues. The Javapackager tool improves ease of native installer creation. Here's a quick overview of JavaFX applications with auto updates.
Java compilers make Java source code into bytecode. Did you know all Java classes start with the word CAFEBABE? Check out this awesome look at the Java magic word.
You've probably used exceptions in Java, but have you used them properly? Generally, exceptions are for exceptional cases. See whether or not you should use checked exceptions, and when and how to use Java exceptions.
Java 8's debut included a neat concurrency too, the CompletableFuture class. Here's an awesome look at CompletableFutures, with a glance at combining and composing tasks.