In this article, I'll discuss how you can take a real-world REST application example adapted to spring-cloud-function and speed up the cold start time using GraalVM.
With the new 2.2 release, Quarkus continues to improve in terms of network-related features, reactive programming, and integration with the Eclipse Vert.x event bus.
In this short tutorial, we will devise a way of making an object-creation-free, lightweight mapper with rudimentary lookup capability that is suitable for a limited number of associations.
Learn to use Apache Camel Quarkus and CouchDB Component to build a REST API. Camel Quarkus CouchDB Component helps to connect, produce, or consume messages.
In this post, we are going to build an aggregator for API calls using the Enricher EIP. A tutorial on how to aggregate sequential calls to REST APIs in a single response.
Do you want to know a secret? OOP is fundamentally brain damaged. These aren't my words for the record, they're the collective wisdoms of the fathers of computing.
MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs natively, which means the object graph is stored on disk as it is in RAM.
Software testing is crucial to ensure software quality. However, there are many common challenges of automation testing, from scalability to maintenance.
Read this tutorial to learn how to use JDK7 FileChannel.transferTo() method to copy files and directories in Java, as well as FileUtils from Apache Commons.
Learn about the structure of the Ant build system and how to make it work for you. Understand how you can harness it in different environments and what the pitfalls are.