A sequence or flow of execution in a Java program is called Thread. Threads are also known as lightweight process as they share the same data and process address space.
Garbage Collection in Java automatically allocates and deallocates memory, so that developers don’t need to write an explicit program to do memory management.
With cloud storage becoming a widespread solution for businesses, it’s important to perform reliable scans to identify threats and prevent further infection.
Let's use Spring, Java, and Kotlin to see if OOP really holds up at the enterprise level and the various tradeoffs you'll have to consider when working on a project.
A developer gives a tutorial on how to embed a Keikai spreadsheet into your web application that allows users to interact with and download the spreadsheet.
Currently, Apache Ignite doesn't provide a security implementation out-of-the-box. So, I'm going to show you how to create an Apache Ignite security plugin from scratch.