The Gang of Four were instrumental in solidifying the classic Java design patterns, but has their usefulness fallen off in a world with microservices and frameworks?
When it comes to sharding MySQL clusters, significant challenges can be faced. Take a look at some of them, how to address them, and why they're worth overcoming.
Take a deep dive into the performance problem of concurrent apps that use core.async where blocking operations are involved. If you're a fan of Clojure, you need to read this.
Look at annotations that can be applied to a class to create indexes that have been specified within the class. See what indexes do and how they can decrease query times.
Sometimes, you need to parse command-line arguments in a Java application. There are a number of options, but in this post, we look at the Apache Commons CLI library.
When writing for-loops over ranges in Kotlin, Progressions can help you incorporate types that aren't supported by default. Here's a guide tailored for Java devs.
PureConfig is a nifty library that serves as a front-end for other libraries. Its real strength is as a boilerplate-free way of loading Scala config files.