This is another installment of CockroachDB and Kerberos coverage. Today, I'm going to demonstrate a way to override a custom service principal name (SPN).
Today, I'll share my repositories maintenance solution - gitr, a small script to recursively call Git in sub-folders to let you manage multiple repositories with ease.
Today, we're exploring data and data processing issues and interests. SQL, NoSQL, flexible schema, scale-up, scale-out, transactions, and high availability.
Cloud engineering applies software engineering principles to improve and maintain infrastructure. Let's examine how to apply refactoring to infrastructure.
Read here to learn how AI can be used in healthcare software, its current stand on the market, and related technologies you might want to look into further.
Looking to strengthen your role as a team leader? Read how in this post that focuses on the communication and relationships of every monthly and weekly meeting.
In this post, we will break down three approaches to app development, discussing their pros and cons, to help you find out which is right for your project.
In this post, we'll learn to use Pulumi with Amazon API Gateway and EventBridge, Amazon's serverless event bus, to build scalable and maintainable apps and systems.
With hybrid work, developers can build tools like chatbots for any industry. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to use Node.js to build a Webex chatbot.
Medusa was upgraded to introduce support for all S3 compatible backends, including MinIO. Let’s see how to set up K8ssandra and MinIO to backup Cassandra.
In this tutorial, we’re going to define Kubernetes at a high level, talk about the anatomy of a cluster, and learn not just why you should care but how to try it for yourself.
Today, I'll talk about CockroachDB and the ever-so-popular YCSB benchmark suite by stepping through workload A in the YCSB suite of workloads against CockroachDB.
This article shows how different industries leverage the combination of event streaming with machine learning for reliable real-time conversational AI, NLP, and chatbots.