This essay is a deep dive into 4 types of data computation layer tools (class libraries) to compare structured data computing capabilities and basic functionalities.
Improve your team's pull request management system to ship faster more often. Here, we'll discuss challenges and their solutions in managing pull requests.
Cryptography can go wrong in a number of ways. We highlight some of the challenges Java developers face when building cryptography into their existing code.
The purpose of this article is to show how you can attach Continuous Delivery (CD) to build a CI/CD pipeline so you can deploy your applications to Kubernetes.
In this article, we will discuss a use case where data from one Kafka cluster has to be migrated to another Kafka Cluster. We will be using mirrormaker 2.
Everything you need to know about the concept of Community of Practices and how to engage collaborations in multiple Agile teams across the organization.
This article delivers an explanation of how Blockchain aids telemedicine services by providing secure data sharing, the privacy of PHIs, and verifiable data.
Microcks is an open source Kubernetes-native platform for API mocking and testing. You can use the AsyncAPI specification examples to tell Microcks to generate events to Apache Kafka with a simple configuration.
Want to learn how you can send an SMS using Scala? Read through this article and learn how to choose a provider and integrate your applications smoothly.
Batch processing is dealing with a large amount of data; it actually is a method of running high-volume, repetitive data jobs and each job does a specific task.
Are you using IaC, like Terraform? Learn about IaC OSS testing tools, like Terrascan, Checkov, TFLint, Tf-sec, Sentinel, and others – and how they compare.
This article is a beginner's guide to Message Queue. The article outlines the message model, Rabbit MQ, and discusses the different types of exchanges.