Instead of repetitive tasks, I discovered a relationship between RabbitMQ settings and a hostname, which ultimately decreased repetition when migrating servers.
In this article, we’ll take a look at Event time-based pipelines and also to some common problems and misunderstandings working on this type of pipeline.
To run a Spark application like a batch job, we have to provide the path to the application entry point, along with the parameters, all the while using the REST API.
Many libraries use Redis for distributed locking, but some of these good libraries haven't considered all of the pitfalls that may arise in a distributed environment.
In this post, we will learn about VPC, Subnets, and some of the components like CIDR blocks, etc. We will create two subnets using an AWS web console to setup this VPC.
Audio analytics has changed car companies' focus on their products to improve customer satisfaction. Voice and speech recognition have become integral in the industry.
Remote Desktop Protocol is a network communications protocol developed by Microsoft mainly for remote access. It will help you stay safe from MitM attacks.
Have you ever been baffled by illegible and convoluted code? In this article, we want to give you some handy tips on how to deal with and maintain ‘Spaghetti,’ or overly complex and illegible code.
How to install KubeSphere, a container platform running on top of Kubernetes with streamlined DevOps workflows, unified multi-cluster management, and more.