What questions should we ask when determining more about a product's dimensions? Let me show you how to facilitate a workshop based on the 7 Product Dimensions.
DevOps allows organizations to design and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches. This will make DevOps more trending in 2021.
Install Jenkins cluster Hosting for Continuous Integration. Automate continuous integration and delivery of your applications with Jenkins DevOps Pack.
In this post, I present CRUD operations on deeply nested comments, stored in a relational database via Spring Boot and Spring Data. The approach is scalable but uses only JPQL and very few pessimistic locks.
In this post I demonstrate a schema, an entity, a DTO, and a continuous fraction index, for JPQL-only CRUD operations on deeply nested comments in relational databases.
The main role of APIs is to serve as the connective fabric between different components and capabilities within an organization and across organizations.