There's an assumption in our industry that NoSQL or document database systems doesn't have schema, and hence are more easy to use. This assumption is simply wrong!
Go is a perfect fit for the DevOps community. Along with some real-world use cases, let's see the finest features that make it shine in the DevOps world.
Whether you want to protect important code logic or to prevent unauthorized access, here are the steps you should take to secure the source code of your Node.js apps.
The Visitor design pattern lets us separate algorithms from the objects on which they operate. See how to implement it to follow the open/closed principle.
Candidate JEP 390 ("Warnings for Value-Based Classes&") was announced this past week by Mark Reinhold on the OpenJDK jdk-dev mailing list. This is a JDK Enhan...
Apache Pulsar's unique features such as tiered storage, stateless brokers, geo-aware replication, and multi-tenancy may be a reason to choose it over Apache Kafka.