Six years in the making, Apache Cassandra has reached its 4.0 GA release. This is a big milestone for one of the most important open source projects, and a significant step forward in the world of NoSQL and Fast Data.
Machine learning software is available for modeling, designing, recruitment, and accounting. Find out the most popular machine learning tools for developers.
The Angular 13's new features and breaking changes will be explained in this article so that you can determine whether it's worth updating your project or not.
SPL (JVM-based programming language) can parse structured data files of regular-or irregular-format, represent 2D/hierarchical data in a uniform way, and more.
Building your own auth service can be tedious, complex, and time-consuming. To save time, developers often resort to using third-party auth services for auth. This post will guide you on how to add authentication to a VueJS app with SuperTokens. IP:Bhagya: Plag check clear.
Python is an incredibly versatile programming language that can be used for data science projects, data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization.
Welcome to my journal documenting my experience building a geo-distributed app in Java from scratch. Here, I’ll share my first results and any challenges.