Here, learn the answer to questions about OpenTelemetry and predictions of several important trends that will continue to gain momentum over the next year.
Let's dive into supporting legacy-based applications while adding the next generation of microservices in talk with Aaron Weikle, the founder, and CEO at MS3.
This is the first post in the Learn Rust with Java series. This blog will enable you to have a first look into the Rust world on a JFO (Java Flying Object).
Discovering the possibilities of voice technology, by exploring its installation process and revealing the needed code and screens for a successful setup.
Learn about the thread pool and how to create it in Java from scratch. This post includes an intro, implementation, and testing of a simple thread pool version.
Some legacy systems can still provide tremendous value today, but the means for accessing them are completely out of date, thus rendering them almost useless.
In this article, we are going to review popular JavaScript Kanban widgets that can be integrated into project management apps for effective task management.
Tarantool offers synchronous replication and the Raft-based algorithm for choosing a leader. In this series, learn of the algorithm's design and implementation.