As time goes by and Java is constantly being updated, the problem of compatibility of different Java SE API versions becomes more and more relevant every year.
In this article, we discuss the need for businesses to leverage Apache Kafka to better implement scalable, real-time infrastructures for event streaming.
You've graduated with a degree in computer science or software engineering, and you're looking for your first job. Read up on the top 10 algorithms for coding interviews.
In this article, I'll introduce the concept of socket and focus on how to use socket programming for consists of 2 separate Android devices connecting each other.
Here we are going to understand why to use hybrid encryption and see an implementation of hybrid encryption out of AES symmetric encryption algorithm and RSA asymmetric algorithm using Java 1.8 and OpenSSL.
Are you doing the right use of async/await without constraining scalability? Check out some use cases providing limited concurrency and the right fixes.
Data labeling is the foundation of most AI jobs. It determines the quality of ML and DL models. Know what AI professionals must know about data labeling.