With so many voices out there on the Internet, who should you really be following to get the latest and greatest Java news and tips? Here are 10 experts.
Of course, in Java, arguments are always passed by value. Let's see what that means inside and the heap with primitives, collections, and making modifications.
Learn about different methods of encoding character attributes for creating useful machine learning models, including frequency-based encoding and hash encoding.
Learn how to load data with GET requests and object ids, set the data to a CKEditor instance, and save the CKEditor's data back to your database with a POST request.
When we first created the Kubernetes templates, I wrote a blog post about it. In the comments, someone suggested that we should create a Helm package for Neo4j. 11 months later… we have it!
What is Apache Kafka, and what can is be used for? Dive deep into what Apache Kafka is all about and learn how to create a Kafka cluster with three brokers.