What options does Cassandra provide for operating multi-tenant clusters? Do you have your services prepared to do the work properly? Read on to find out.
Will low-code tools replace developers? Is this the coding apocalypse? Calm your fears with this article, or, "how I learned to stop worrying and love low-code."
Now is the time to take a look at the most possible and promising machine learning and AI trends for the upcoming year and ask ourselves if we are ready for them.
This tutorial shows how to mock a REST API using SOAP UI, with screenshots included, for testing and developing your front end if the back end isn't available.
Curious about when you would actually use the splitAsStream method? Here's a use case of splitting a file into chunks that can be processed as streams.
Learn how to test your APIs with Spock, a comprehensive testing framework that uses Java and Groovy, leveraging the benefits of several existing Java frameworks.
Learn how to build a secure SPA using Spring Boot and OAuth while using a Spring Boot starter to get additional support for validation and authority mapping.
Learn how to apply artificial intelligence and predictive modeling techniques to predict outcomes of cricket matches based on venue, players, toss winner, and more.
Learn about the four main error handling strategies- try/catch, explicit returns, either, and supervising crashes- and how they work in various languages.