This article will show you how to set up a clustered MongoDB to store the data, a Solr Cloud to index the data in MongoDB in real time. Then how to use mongo-connector to replicate data from MongoDB to Solr Cloud. And finally, develop a simple Spring Data Solr application that talks to Solr Cloud to search the data in MongoDB.
With microservices architecture, you’ll not only make it easier for your engineers to make regular updates but you will also have multiple preventive stopgaps that will ensure your system is secure.
Documents in MongoDB have a unique object ID when they are created. How can we get around this to develop a more effective REST API when document lookups are involved?
I’m writing this post after days of misery, reverse-engineering, github browsing and finding (sort of) clever ways to get yet one step closer to the goal mentioned in the title.
Red Hat, Eclipse, and Eurotech have announced Eclipse Kapua — an end-to-end open source IOT cloud platform that combines and enhances several current solutions.
Oren Golan published an excellent piece on his blog this past weekend sharing an example of how Micro and NATS are providing microservices for financial modeling and Bitcoin visualization.
Testing support in Spring Boot is getting better, but it's far from perfect. The example here shows how to use Spring Boot in tandem with your mock testing.