In this article, learn more about twelve success principles of employing such a Definition of Done as a Scrum team to help your organization become agile.
Generative AI empowers DevOps teams to eliminate tedious repetition, strengthen automation, and condense complex workflows into simple conversational actions.
An overview of training datasets which can subsequently be enriched through data annotation and labeling for further use as artificial intelligence (AI) training data.
There's been a lot of buzz about fine-grained access control in the past several years. Here's an overview of the key ideas and best practices that have emerged.
In this article, readers will learn about lessons I learned from picking a Java-based driver for Amazon ElastiCache for Redis with visuals and helpful code.
Making robust and future-proof decisions about your data setup can be complex. The SOFT methodology is here to guide you to the right choices for your needs.
Get started with deploying Alluxio as the caching layer for Trino and learn how to use Alluxio caching with the Iceberg connector and MinIO file storage.
Testing real-life applications, not just Kata-like code snippets, is rough! In this video tutorial, learn how to pragmatically test a Java web application.