We all do pull requests, but are we doing them right? However well-intentioned, pull requests can actually contribute to tech debt when you're not careful!
Cybersecurity training is crucial for modern developers, so organizations should prioritize learning to keep up with a constantly evolving digital business environment.
Are you looking to migrate from GCP to AWS? This detailed guide provides expert insights and step-by-step instructions for a smooth transition from GCP to AWS.
In today's "always on" world, reliability is a primary business KPI. Establish a culture of reliability by implementing these 7 simple tips to build a solid SRE team in your organization.
This is a comprehensive guide to automated testing in data engineering. It covers components, tools, benefits, real-world applications, and best practices.
The differences between public, private, and hybrid cloud can be confusing. Here, we give a breakdown of these differences between cloud platforms in a simple way.
In this comprehensive guide through basic functional containers Functor, Applicative, and Monad, explore possible applications and learn the math behind them.