Explore crucial components shaping Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). From development to maintenance, licensing to upgrades, uncover the hidden expenses that can impact your budget.
Helping us understand what users are experiencing with an application, monitoring is an undeniable game-change in organizations willing to embrace and use it.
In this article I describe the most popular approaches for integrating databases and web applications within the Kubernetes ecosystem to align with the Twelve-Factor App.
Explore beyond the tech of SQL migration — align with business goals, mitigate risks, enhance data quality, and ensure adaptability for a strategic upgrade.
Is automation needed on every software testing project? How can you plan and set up an automation project for the best benefit? And why can automation projects fail?
STO aims to maximize desired customer behavior through strategic messaging timing. It involves validating assumptions through experimentation and data analysis.
DevOps service companies enhance organizational compliance by seamlessly integrating ISO 27001 and GDPR requirements and embedding security into workflows.
This article delves into the synergy between Python and cloud platforms, which creates the possibility of easier development of more transparent applications.
Embrace Azure IOT Hub into Windows services for Duplex communication and command execution. Building an MQTT Broker and scaling in the cloud is resource-heavy.