Check out this open source project to get a start on your microservices architecture, learn about the tools you need to connect your microservices, and more.
Walk through my experience with querying an RDS MySQL database with AWS lambda for the first time, and the issues that I came across that you can avoid.
Docker has changed how log management is handled in the container world. In this post, we take a look at 10 gotchas that everyone using Docker should know.
JIRA's querying language, JQL, can be extremely useful. Look at some secrets when it comes to JQL that can help you make more effective use of your own JIRA instance.
With hundreds of available platforms to start your IoT project with, which one do you choose? We shed some light on the subject and look at three of the best choices.
There are a number of container orchestration players out there, but see how one company narrowed the field to Kubernetes and Mesos (DC/OS) and which one won.
We take a look at using Leaflet.js to help visualize a route on a map with the ability to ensure that the map is zoomed to show all of the points on a given route.
In the first part of this Dockerizing Jenkins series, learn to run Jenkins on Docker, and automate plugin installation, Java and Maven tool configuration, and more.