Install and set up WordPress with Docker Compose, Nginx, Apache, and Let's Encrypt SSL on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This setup is tested on a Google Cloud Compute Engine VM.
Explore digital natives born in the cloud, leverage Apache Kafka for innovation and new business models, and discover trends, architectures, and case studies.
Dive into the world of containerizing Helidon applications and seamlessly deploying them to Kubernetes using the Eclipse JKube's Kubernetes Maven Plugin.
Discover how to automate your Quarkus application deployment using the Ansible collection for Quarkus, which takes care of the heavy lifting for developers.
Learn about the advantages of multi-cluster setups, Istio service mesh, and how Admiral simplifies the Istio configuration for multi-cloud Kubernetes clusters.
Take a closer look at a security researcher's tale of hacking a car company via their bug bounty program. Learn how to better protect your apps and your org.