Quick Hadoop Startup in a Virtual Environment
A fully-featured Hadoop environment has a number of pieces that need to be integrated. Vagrant and Ansible are just the tools to make things easier.
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Join For FreeWhen getting started with Hadoop, it is useful to have a test environment to quickly try out programs on a small scale before submitting them to a real cluster (or before setting that cluster up). There are instructions on the Hadoop website that describe running Hadoop as a single Java process. However, I've found that running this way hides a lot of how Hadoop really works for large-scale applications, which can slow understanding of what kinds of problems need to be solved to make an implementation work and be performant in a real cluster.
The same page also describes a pseudo-distributed mode. Don't let the "pseudo" throw you off; when running in this mode, the exact same Hadoop processes are running, in the same way as a full cluster. The only thing that's missing, besides the number of parallel resources, is the setup for High Availability. That's important for a real cluster, but it doesn't affect the way Hadoop jobs are written. So in my view, pseudo-distributed mode makes a great test environment.
The instructions for pseudo-distributed mode still include a lot of files to edit and commands to run. To make it easier to get up and running, I've created a virtual environment using Vagrant and Ansible that will do the installation automatically.
Vagrant and Ansible have good support and good docs for running on multiple platforms, so I'll assume we're starting in an environment where they are both available (as well as some virtualization software; Vagrant defaults to VirtualBox). I'll focus first on the Hadoop components that are being installed and set up, then show how the automated installation and setup works.
Hadoop Components
Hadoop Distributed File System
All of the Hadoop components we'll be using come in the standard tarball. First, we need to get the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) up and running. HDFS provides the storage (both input and output) for Hadoop jobs; most Hadoop jobs start by reading one or more HDFS files and finish by leaving one or more HDFS files behind.
HDFS is divided into two main components, Name Node and Data Node. (There is a third component, the Journal Manager, that is used in High Availability setups.) The Name Node manages the HDFS equivalent of a file allocation table: for every file written to HDFS, it keeps track of where the pieces are located. Like a regular file system, HDFS divides the file up into "blocks"; however, the blocks are generally distributed across the network, and are generally replicated both for improved performance and to protect against drive failure. The amount of replication is configurable per-file; the standard default is 3.
The HDFS Data Nodes handle storing and retrieving blocks. They are provided with storage, typically on top of some existing local file system (e.g. EXT3 or XFS). The Data Nodes register themselves with the Name Node, which keeps track of how much total space is available and the health of each Data Node. This allows the Name Node to detect failure of a Data Node and to make additional copies of the blocks it holds to keep up the configured replication factor.
The Data Nodes also provide direct access to blocks to HDFS clients. While a client must go first to the Name Node to determine which Data Nodes have blocks of interest, the client can then read from or write to those blocks by going directly to the Data Nodes. This prevents the Name Node from becoming a bottleneck.
In a real cluster there is one Name Node (two when running High Availability) and as many Data Nodes as there are servers. For this pseudo-distributed installation, we still need both a Name Node and a Data Node, but they will be run in the same virtual machine.
Yet Another Resource Negotiator
Now that we have a distributed file system, we can set up something to schedule and run the actual jobs. For this example, I am setting up the "next generation" job scheduler YARN. It's still called "NextGen" in the docs, but it has been around for quite a while now in Hadoop terms.
Like HDFS, YARN needs two components, in this case a Resource Manager and a Node Manager. (It has other components: a History Server that stores job history; and a Proxy Server, that provides a network proxy for viewing application status and logs from outside the cluster.)
The Resource Manager accepts applications, schedules them, and tracks their status. The Node Manager registers with the Resource Manager and provides its local CPU and memory for scheduling. For a real cluster, there is one Resource Manager (two for High Availability) and as many Node Managers as there are servers. For this example, we will run a Resource Manager and a single Node Manager in our single virtual machine.
Hadoop: Not Just for Map Reduce
As an aside, while YARN continues to explicitly support "map reduce" jobs, which have traditionally been popular on Hadoop, it provides a more general-purpose application scheduling framework. Applications provide an "Application Master", which is scheduled onto a node and runs for the life of the application. The application master requests resources for all of its components, and is notified as they complete.
When writing a standard MapReduce job, we don't need to create an application master, as there is a standard MapReduce application master that already exists. But if we write our own application master, we can create an application with any kinds of components we choose, wired together in any order we need.
In a future article I will discuss Spark running on top of YARN; Spark does this by providing its own application master. When doing streaming, this application master can request resources and start Spark components ahead-of-time, allowing Spark to handle events with much lower latency than is possible when running Hadoop jobs in the more typical batch processing mode.
Up and Running with Hadoop
First, as mentioned above, install Vagrant, Ansible, and virtualization software. The existing Vagrant configuration assumes VirtualBox but it is easy to change to another (e.g. libvirt) as long as a Vagrant box is available.
Next, clone the repository:
git clone git .com:AlanHohn/single-node-hadoop.git
Now, change into the single-node-hadoop
directory and run vagrant up
. This will download the Vagrant box if necessary and create a new virtual machine. It will then run Ansible to provision the box.
Here is the Vagrantfile that is used in this case:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ""
hadoopver = ENV['hadoop_version'] || "2.6.3"
sparkver = ENV['spark_version'] || "1.5.2"
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.box = "ubuntu/wily64"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = 4096
vb.cpus = 4
# Needed for multiple CPUs
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"]
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"
ansible.extra_vars = {
proxy_env: {
http_proxy: proxy
hadoop_version: hadoopver,
spark_version: sparkver
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 50070, host: 50070
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 8088, host: 8088
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 19888, host: 19888
There are a couple important points here. First, the virtual machine is configured to use 4 GB of RAM and 4 CPUs. This helps things move along faster, but it is possible to scale down a bit (e.g. 2 GB RAM and 1-2 CPUs) if needed. Second, this Vagrant configuration passes through a few environment variables (with default values) as Ansible variables, including any HTTP proxy. The version of Hadoop to install and run is passed through as well; this makes it easier to try out different versions of Hadoop (even in the same VM, as will be discussed later). Finally, note that there are a few ports forwarded through to the host. The most important one is 8088, which is used to view the status of submitted applications. The others are for the HDFS status page (50070) and the history server (19888).
When Vagrant runs Ansible, it configures Ansible to SSH into the VM as the "vagrant" user using the SSH key Vagrant has configured. Ansible can then use "sudo" to perform actions as root. Ansible reads a YAML file called a playbook to determine what actions to take to setup the machine. I'll provide the YAML file in stages to discuss what is happening; the whole thing is available in the repository.
- hosts: all
sudo: yes
These first lines tell Ansible what hosts to apply the upcoming list of tasks (there is only one host in this case), and to use sudo for the upcoming list of tasks.
- name: hostname file
lineinfile: dest=/etc/hostname regexp=".*" line="hadoop"
- name: set hostname
command: hostnamectl set-hostname hadoop
- name: update
apt: upgrade=yes
environment: proxy_env
These are setup lines that I generally include in all Ubuntu VMs configured with Vagrant. The hostname items work around an issue in some versions of Vagrant where Ubuntu hostnames could not be set directly in the Vagrantfile. This issue appears to be fixed but this workaround is backwards-compatible with earlier Vagrant versions. The third task performs any updates needed to get our new Ubuntu box up to date.
- name: Install packages
apt: pkg={{item}} state=installed
environment: proxy_env
- openjdk-8-jdk
This task makes sure Java is installed. The form of this task, with a list of items, can be used anywhere in Ansible and is convenient when applying the same action multiple times.
- name: download hadoop
url: http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/apache/hadoop/common/hadoop-{{hadoop_version}}/hadoop-{{hadoop_version}}.tar.gz
dest: /opt/hadoop-{{hadoop_version}}.tar.gz
environment: proxy_env
- name: unpack hadoop
src: /opt/hadoop-{{hadoop_version}}.tar.gz
dest: /opt
creates: /opt/hadoop-{{hadoop_version}}
copy: no
owner: vagrant
group: vagrant
With these tasks, we download the Hadoop tarball to a location in the VM and untar it. The way Apache does their mirrors it was easiest just to choose one. Note that the hadoop_version
variable is the one that comes in from the Vagrantfile (or ultimately from the environment on the host). Also note that because we are using "sudo" in our Ansible file, we need to make sure we get the right ownership on the extracted files. The copy: no
is also important; it tells Ansible that the tarball it is extracting comes from inside the VM, not from the host.
Since Ansible 2.0, the unarchive
task understands URLs, so you can do this in one step. But this is backwards compatible.
- name: hadoop current version link
file: path=/opt/hadoop src=/opt/hadoop-{{hadoop_version}} state=link owner=vagrant group=vagrant
notify: restart services
This is the step that allows us to try out different versions of Hadoop, switching between them easily. This task ensures that there is a softlink at /opt/hadoop
pointing to the version we have selected. The remaining steps can use this location for configuration files and starting services. If we set the hadoop_version
environment variable and run vagrant provision
, Ansible will install the new version and update the pointer. It will then go through the rest of the tasks, ultimately restarting the Hadoop services in the VM.
However, if we re-run vagrant provision
without updating hadoop_version
, Ansible is smart enough to notice that the link is already in the right place and realize that nothing has changed, so the services won't be affected. Also, because of the way we set up the get_url
and unarchive
tasks, once a particular version of Hadoop has been downloaded, it will stick around, so we can switch back to it just by updating the softlink and restarting Hadoop services. The term typically used for this kind of task is "idempotent", which means that it is safe to run multiple times and nothing changes unless it is necessary. This is an important goal for automated deployment because it greatly improves reliability.
- name: hadoop config files
copy: dest=/opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/{{item}} src=files/{{item}} mode=0644 owner=vagrant group=vagrant
- hadoop-env.sh
- core-site.xml
- hdfs-site.xml
- mapred-site.xml
- yarn-site.xml
notify: restart services
We now put the configuration files into the right place. I pretty much copied these from the docs so I won't spend a lot of time discussing them. The change to hadoop-env.sh
is needed to provide Hadoop with JAVA_HOME
for our Ubuntu install.
- name: hadoop format namenode
command: /opt/hadoop/bin/hdfs namenode -format
become: yes
become_user: vagrant
creates: /opt/hadoop/dfs
Before we can run the HDFS Name Node, we need to run a format command. This initializes its local storage where it maintains information about files in HDFS and where their blocks are stored. We use the Ansible command
module; note that the syntax is a little strange because the command module has to be able to accept parameters for the command as well as arguments for the module itself. Also note that we make sure to tell the command module about the directory that this command creates; this allows the task to be idempotent, which is needed in this case because the command will fail if we try to run it twice.
- name: service files
copy: dest=/lib/systemd/system/{{item}} src=files/{{item}} mode=0644 owner=root group=root
- hdfs-namenode.service
- hdfs-datanode.service
- yarn-resourcemanager.service
- yarn-nodemanager.service
- yarn-proxyserver.service
- yarn-historyserver.service
notify: reload systemd
- meta: flush_handlers
We now provide systemd with the service files it needs to make proper services. I prefer to start things this way when automating them, as it means we can configure them to automatically start on reboot, so once the VM is provisioned, it can be stopped with vagrant halt
and restarted with vagrant up
without having to run vagrant provision
again. It also makes it easier to stop / start services without having to worry about having multiple copies running. Finally, it makes for a more realistic test environment (e.g. avoiding surprising differences caused by the environment in which the process runs). It is slightly more painful when the services aren't working, since we have to query systemd or look in the logs, but its benefits outweigh this hassle.
The notify: reload systemd
is important because systemd keeps its own cache of service configuration, so when we change the files in the directory we have to tell systemd to pick up the new ones. We need to do this immediately, before we try to start the new services, so we include meta: flush_handlers
, which makes Ansible run any pending handlers immediately.
Note that this location for systemd service files is specific to Ubuntu; on RHEL they are kept in /usr/lib/systemd
- name: services
service: name={{item}} state=started enabled=yes
- hdfs-namenode
- hdfs-datanode
- yarn-resourcemanager
- yarn-nodemanager
- yarn-proxyserver
- yarn-historyserver
This next task tells Ansible to make sure that the various services are running. In addition to starting Hadoop for the first time, this means that if our Hadoop services fail for any reason, we can restart them using vagrant provision
- name: reload systemd
command: systemctl daemon-reload
- name: restart services
service: name={{item}} state=restarted
- hdfs-namenode
- hdfs-datanode
- yarn-resourcemanager
- yarn-nodemanager
- yarn-proxyserver
- yarn-historyserver
Finally, we provide handlers to reload systemd and to restart services. The handler to restart services is nice because it allows us to change Hadoop configuration files in their location on the host, re-run vagrant provision
, and have the service restarted with the configuration change. This is a very important technique for automated deployment, since once Ansible has taken control of a configuration file we don't want to modify it directly on the target machine, as our changes will be lost the next time Ansible runs.
This single node Hadoop example also includes a basic word count example from the Hadoop documentation, so we can test that our cluster is working. I'll need to save a discussion of that example for the next article.
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