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Java Architect at EPAM Systems @verhas
Brütten, CH
Joined Dec 2012
I am a senior software architect specializing currently in enterprise Java development. I have past experience with JavaScript, Python, C and going back in time even FORTRAN and assembly were still not extinct at the start of my career. Currently, I work on different customer projects on behalf of EPAM system leading an 8 person agile group. As a hobby independently from my employer I maintain and develop open source projects, like ScriptBasic Classic, ScriptBasic for Java, License3j, Jamal, Java::Geci (google them if interested).
Reputation: | 3279 |
Pageviews: | 1.7M |
Articles: | 37 |
Comments: | 76 |
Feb 12, 2023 · Peter Verhas
After DZone published it, I cannot change the title.
I do not see why your suggested title would be better than the original title.
Nov 04, 2020 · Mike Gates
Your comment sounds like a correction to the article, but I do not see what you want to correct. On the contrary: there is a sentence that says exactly just like what you have said. Could you be more specific about what you want to correct?
Jul 31, 2020 · Sergiy Yevtushenko
"may fire employe using it"
It is a little harsh. I hope this is more an exaggeration and you are not serious. I rather approach any employee who is using a construct with questions about the why and then perhaps mentoring. Perhaps some of them may tell you that they know something that you do not and that may change your opinion.
You are absolutely correct that this is more boilerplate code. Boilerplate code must not be written by the developers, but sometimes we cannot avoid it. That is when the code generators come in place. Java::Geci ( is framework to write code generators in a very simple way that can in many cases replace the manual maintenance of boilerplate code with code generation. As a matter of fact the framework has a sample code generator, fluent, which does generate the boilerplate code for fluent builders from a simple syntax description string. (See my comment about it above.) You may like this solution.
Jul 31, 2020 · Sergiy Yevtushenko
There is a close to ideal solution. The fluent API that can be created can be modeled using FSA. An FSA can be described by a regular expression. In this case, not a conventional regex, where the alphabet contains the characters, but rather a regular expression over the set of methods as an alphabet.
The code generator "fluent" being part of the core code generators of the code generation framework Java::Geci ( automatically converts the regular expression, which is a syntax description of the fluent API to the interfaces and inserts these interfaces into your class. If you modify the syntax it runs again and updates the generated part of your code.
This eliminates most of the burden of the maintenance of the fluent API. What you have to pay is that you have to include a new test dependency (Java::Geci generators run as unit tests and fail if they modified the code), fire up a new unit test configuring the generator and put a @Fluent(...) annotation on the class with the syntax in the place of the ...
Feb 01, 2020 · Lindsay Burk
Jun 18, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
Many times composition is better than inheritance. In principle they are equivalent. As a matter of fact, Go implements inheritance through composition... kind of.
I would be more than delighted if you could look at the example issue and help me how to use composition instead of inheritance there. The simplified A, F, C example may be oversimplified for the sake of the example.
Jun 07, 2019 · Lindsay Burk
"why another generator"
Not really. Java::Geci is not a source code generator. It is a source code generator framework, or source code generator support library, whichever you like more naming it. Creating setter and getter only would not be a big deal. It is only an example demonstrating how easy it is to code such a generator using Java::Geci.
"What is the support in Intellij idea"
The generated code goes into segments that are delimited by editor folds, which can be collapsed in the editor. It is supported by all IDEs not only IntelliJ.
"Isn't better to use let's say .. Kotlin?"
This is a far-reaching question and not really related to code generation. As Kotlin is a more modern and more progressive language there are many cases when you do not feel the urge to generate code, while the same problem shouts out for code generation in Java. This does not, however, mean that all problem can be solved easily and the best ways in Kotlin without code generation. All languages have their limitations. If the language is very rich and feature full then the limitation is that developers will not learn all the features and it will be hard to maintain the code of the others' who use a feature that I have not learned or just forgot already. That is why languages have limitations in their expressiveness and features. When a problem reaches that limit you will code repetitive code or you will use code generators. The latter, in my opinion, is the simplest using Java::Geci.
This article is one of a series that details how to create code generators and not how to use them. The example is a simple one but in the project, there are much more complex samples. I do not know any other code generator, for example, that automatically creates all the interfaces for a fluent API based on the FSA, regular expression like syntax definition. Not even Kotlin does that.
Jun 02, 2019 · Dave Fecak
I would recommend not to get to such conclusion so fast.
Mar 14, 2019 · Dave Fecak
I absolutely agree with you that it depends on the programmer. There are programmers whose code is a pain to read no matter what language the code is written.
Jan 15, 2019 · Anghel Leonard
Item 18, anonymous classes: like with the tuples mentioned in the comments, the methods that are new and not overriding the abstract method can also be invoked. The type when inferred is not the type of the abstract class, which is extended, but the generated name of the anonymous class.
I see no reason to exploit this possibility, but it is to know.
Very comprehensive and simple article. I mean simple as a good thing. Articles should be simple so that I can understand them.
Nov 14, 2018 · Grzegorz Ziemoński
If you need to change the value of that field then do not declare it to be final. Full stop. If you need to change a final field then it is a code smell. Even if you want to do that to perform tests only.
Oct 14, 2018 · Mike Gates
At the source publication I updated the article (that I cannot do here):
UPDATE: pointed out that the part of the code
for (int pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) {
if (m1.get(pos) != m2.get(pos)) {
System.out.println("Files differ at position " + pos);
can be replaced using the built-in ByteBuffer::mismatch method. The code is simpler, it does exactly what the example code is aiming and it is probably faster.
May 21, 2018 · Anupam Gogoi
You can create a release offline and push to github to publish you OSS projects. Simpler than nexus service.
Jan 17, 2018 · Mike Gates
"In addition, if the service is not in the application module"
What does it mean that the service is not in the application module? There are two separate things: the interface that defines the behavior of the service and the implementation. You have to 'requires' the interface if it is defined in a different module and it has to be exported by that module.
If the service is the "interface" then the statement is correct. If it means the implementation then it is not. The fact that the documentation was misleading me, who has a lot of experience with Java indicates that either the verbiage of the statement above is not the best choice or I start to be senile.
Summing up: what you say is absolutely correct.
Jan 05, 2018 · Ana Jones
Your article is detailed and describes the difference between the *usual* session store and *usual* caching. However when you hear the sentence "Our app runs fast because we cache all the session data" you can not be sure what cache they are talking about. (Btw: was it web session or javax.mail.Session? Possible, though not likely.)
As a summary: the article is good and outstanding compared to other DZONE articles. On the other hand, you could emphasize more that you are talking about one specific and most frequently used session store and cache implementation.
Jan 04, 2018 · Mike Gates
Yes, those are all valid concerns that somebody who want to use the functionality for professional purpose has to face.
Dec 12, 2017 · Mike Gates
Yes, you are absolutely right. I missed the point that the bytes in the file may represent unicode characters. Important point if someone would like to implement something similar for professional purposes. Thanks for finding the issue and that you wrote it here.
Dec 11, 2017 · Mike Gates
You probably cannot do that. A `CharSequence` has to implement the method `length()` and you do not know the length of the file, which is dynamically written, as it continually grows. On the other hand the length of a character sequence is supposed to be constant.
The specification of `CharSequence` does not explicitly states that as a requirement, but as I was experimenting with `splitAsStream` the length is queried many times and the outcome is not what you would expect if the length grows.
Dec 11, 2017 · Mike Gates
The article does not provide any example execution. If the developer can not create samples themselves then it is better that there is no execution sample.
Dec 01, 2017 · Mike Gates
Aug 21, 2017 · Mike Gates
Yep. Thanks for the note. I will fix that on the original article. DZONE does not provide fix/update facility and they do not seem to care.
Jun 19, 2017 · Mike Gates
I can see articles these days use method references like in Java 8:
Jun 15, 2017 · Mike Gates
That is why I said "unfortunate".
Jun 15, 2017 · Mike Gates
I feel I offended you, let me try to amend that. You seem to be a talented young professional and I appreciate that. I offer you the following deal:
I suggest that you write an article about equals and hashCode and before publishing it send me. I will review and send you my comments same scrutiny as I do when I review a document on professional purposes. Free of charge, no need to reference that I reviewed, whatsoever. My contact parameters are on the internet.
Jun 15, 2017 · Mike Gates
Thanks. It does not change the my opinion that this notation in this article targeting novice programmers is unfortunate.
Your personal comments are left unattended.
Jun 15, 2017 · Mike Gates
"So, for the compiler, this call is Mammal.speak()."
So, for the compiler, this call is invoking the speak() method defined in the Mammal class.
It is not a notation. Just write it down. I'd appreciate if you could give a specific example to the Java API where the static method call like notation is used to denote non-static method call. I have no time to search for it myself. Thank you.
Jun 15, 2017 · Mike Gates
You should never implement equals and hashCode unless it is a must. Their contract says that if you override one, then you should override the other as well. Even though it is permissable to override one and not the other in some exceptional cases when a developer knows the details of how the different JDK classes relying on these methods work, but I will not get into details here, because evidently it is too complex for most of the audience including the author.
Do not advocate wrong ideas.
P.S.: I assume you meant "real time" -> "real life" as for the projects.
Jun 14, 2017 · Mike Gates
In your text you use the notation "Mammal.speak()" to denote the method 'speak()' of the class Mammal. This is an unfortunate notatiion, because juniors, who are actually the main target of your article may confuse it with static method call, which it is not.
Jun 14, 2017 · Mike Gates
"For example, we always override
, andtoString
from theObject
class."No, we do not. For example your Mammal, Cat and Human classes do not.
Apr 26, 2017 · Tomer Ben David
The example in Step-3 is totally confusing. The variable names are not consistent. The list should be separated by comma or semicolon?
Please fix these, and then delete my comment as not relevant.
Apr 26, 2017 · Clayton Long
Perhaps ask him? ;-)
He is a nice person.
Apr 26, 2017 · Clayton Long
You should have a look at the article
from Eder Lukas. It is also to mention
about fluent interfaces. It may also be worth looking at the Annotation Processing Tool
Apr 23, 2017 · Grzegorz Ziemoński
If you do not use setters and getters and you introduce them then the change in the declared API will cause an error during compile time. If you use setters and getters and do not change the calling sequence (a.k.a. the names of the method and the arguments remain the same) then the error manifests during run-time.
So... what is the advantage?
Apr 23, 2017 · Grzegorz Ziemoński
There is another disadvantage: you can change the behavior of the setter and the getter without imposing change on the code that uses them. The example usually is when we handle the null as a value in a special way. The default setter and getter does not handle the null in any way special, it is just a value as any other.
The documentation may say that null value should not be passed, but the real contract is, how the code works. Average developers do not read the documentation and tend to abuse available callable methods in any way they work rather than only in the limited way the API is defined (remember Sun's unsafe package).
Apr 23, 2017 · Grzegorz Ziemoński
Let's approach this question pragmatic, like Robinson Cruspe did: what are the advantages and what are the disadvangateges.
The disadvantages are evident. More code written automatically by the IDE means more code to read and understand during maintenance. It takes expensive seconds to recognize that there is nothing else there in the code, but the generated default setter and getter.
Apr 21, 2017 · Grzegorz Ziemoński
Be aware that java and jit are free to assume that ANSWER is 42 and generate code that does not use the field to access the value. In that case, the ANSWER field is 41 and the test fails.
Sep 19, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
Why do you say it is hidden, when this requirement is documented in the documentation of java.lang.Comparable ?
Sep 19, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
No! It is against SRP. What is isAccountUnderflow responsible for? Checking and throwing exception, or may be not. These are two different concerns to be implemented in separate methods.
It is nice of DZONE that it provides facilities for unior styling katas.
Sep 19, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
C'mon! The method
will call
and throw exception if needed! Basic unior stuff!
Sep 01, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
Using soft, weak or phantom references to create a cache is a poor solution. The cache should retain elements that will be needed in the near future and this weakly correlates with the fact that there is or there is no strong reference to the cached object. As an example the object cached may be cloned by the cache using code and thus no reference to any cached object is retained, still the same value may be soon needed again. When you need to use some caching solution in your application do not implement it yourself. There are ready made opens source and commercial solutions.
Aug 29, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
Yes, we can predict when they will be collected. When JVM GC algorithm thinks it has to collect them to avoid out of memory situation.
Since those objects are not reacahble the GC can collect them any time it deems and thus they CAN NOT cause out of memory.
Your comment confirms that you are not only writing sloppy but you have no idea about what you write. Better don't!
Aug 29, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
Example 1: Autoboxing
There are syntax errors in it. One may be of copy paste when creating the article (publiclong without space), but I can not be lenient enough to believe that forgetting the loop variable initialization is also copy paste error.
Let's fix this error and modify the code the following way:
You will see that after a while the free memory does not decrease. That is because GC starts and reclatims the autoboxed objects that were created. This is a wrong example even if we consider the your definition of memory leak.
Also note that I moved the declaration of the variable sum out of the method 'addIncremental' otherwise the code just does nothing. JIT realizes after a few execution that the return value is ignored and that the method has no side effects at all and converts the method invocation to nooperation.
Please consider the review of the other examples and thrive for quality.
Aug 29, 2016 · Shamik Mitra
Memory leak is the repetitive allocation of memory without consequential release of it when no longer used, leading to the consumption of ever increasing memory limited by external measures not controlled by the program possibly rendering the execution to a degraded state.
None of the examples in this article meet this definition. The article lists the typical mistakes that *may* lead to memory leak but then fails to present good examples. Some of the examples do not even run.
Aug 29, 2016 · Damian Wolf
I recommend the use of JUnit as a source of documentation. Unit test is a living code and if you change the code in a way that requires change in the use of the code your unit tests will get updated or fail. Unit tests are more important than JavaDoc.
I dare say that the most understandable interfaces use names and identifiers that do not need JavaDoc at all.
Aug 22, 2016 · Alec Noller
Java 9
Aug 21, 2016 · Alec Noller
Not any more.
Aug 18, 2016 · Dave Fecak
There is also a Flat Earth Society. So what?
Aug 08, 2016 · John Vester
Okay. Next time I read the docs and try to be dumb. I will follow you by example. Not reference.
Jul 02, 2016 · Duncan Brown
Why can not DZONE fight these nasty virus spreading spams?
Jul 01, 2016 · Duncan Brown
This is really a great article. I love it!
I could not find the declaration of channel receivers being maintained in a FIFO. I understand that the go runtime as it is at the moment in the one and only implementation is done that way (after all you referenced the source code of the runtime implentation of channel, and it is easy to follow) but I could not find any mention of that or any guarantee in the language specification.
I just wondering if anyone creates a code that depends on this behaviour could get into trouble later.
May 11, 2016 · Dave Fecak
I compared two languages of which I know well only one. I don't dare to compare two programming languages I know none of. You can find other authors on DZone who will happily do that.
Apr 19, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
Not to mention that reflection by default does not allow you to change a final field. To do that you need a reflective object to the Field object to set it 'not-final' and make it usable to "alter" the final field. Brrrr....
Apr 19, 2016 · Per-Åke Minborg
"Now is a good time to mention that your objects can, in theory, be modified anyhow, for example using Java Reflection. However, this is considered "cheating" ..."
It is not only cheating. It is something that is totally unreliable. In case of compile time calculated finals the Java compiler may just use the compile time calculated constants. In case of multi-thread code the compiler may opt not to ever copy a processor cache changed value to the main memory or to any other processor cache so the change may not ever be seen by other processors.
Jan 26, 2016 · John Vester
Thank you for the kind words. I am afraid you mix C# and Java. It is not a surprise to me assuming you devoted as much attention to read the article as you did using grammar.
Jan 24, 2016 · John Vester
It may be worth reading the comments of the same article at the original source at
Jan 24, 2016 · John Vester
ORACLE documentation and also the cited stackoverflow pages clearly describe that the variables hold references. This actually is an implementation detail. When you call a method you pass the reference.
It may be only verbiage, but the difference and the fact that there is a real difference between the two different parameter passing approach will be very important when (if ever) Java will introduce value types.
In case of value types the variable may hold the value itself or a reference to a value type record. This is an implementation detail. However when they are passed to a method the value will be copied (maybe a special new reference with copy on modify flag, which is an implemenation detail again) and not the reference. This is the case now with the primitives. They are simple built-in value types.
Jan 23, 2016 · John Vester
If Integer was not immutable you could easily swap too numbers. It would, of course, cause a lot of consequences in Java when 'int' values get autoboxed. This is one reason why the classes autoboxing primitive values are immutable.
Jan 23, 2016 · John Vester
The question you should answer first:
the variable
Integer i;
is a number or is a reference to an object that holds a number list? (Any object type could be used, Integer is only an example.)
My answer is that the variable holds a number. This way you actually _can_ implement swap(a,b) so long as long the objects contained in 'a' and in 'b' have the same type and are mutable.
Jul 17, 2015 · Marcin Zajączkowski
I had the idea for long time that argument captors are good candidate for lambda, and I hope we soon will have a version of Mockito where we have these features built in.
On the other hand using argument captor is usually sign of bad test. When you use argument captor you are eventually reimplementing a partial functionality of the mocked class. The more test data you replace with test code in your tests the more possible bugs you may inject into the testing code.
May 21, 2015 · Mehul Rajput
I do not know what software you use that you name Eclipse, but certainly it has nothing to do with the one I use and named Eclipse. I develop in an enterprise environment, 20 or more projects open, configured working set, application server started from Eclipse, maven integration, ant tasks and all the bells and legacy code you can imagine. I can work continually for days or weeks without restarting it.
You certainly miss it.
I do not say anything wrong about IntelliJ. It is a great software and if it fits your skills and prior experience then you should use that. However your bold and definitive statements, which are not inline with the majority of the experts of our industry makes me suspicious regarding your professionalism and the same of the company you work for.
Feb 28, 2014 · James Sugrue
Good point, agreed by the author of the article.
Feb 28, 2014 · James Sugrue
Good point, agreed by the author of the article.
Feb 28, 2014 · James Sugrue
Good point, agreed by the author of the article.
Feb 26, 2014 · Allen Coin
Fortunately Java is not only limited by phisical memory, thus it is kind of easy to measure performance with different -Xm* settings for different loads on the same test HW. Cheap memory price makes it cheap to test (for a short time) on a large instance just to see if that is really needed.
I like this article, especially pointing out that larger memory may result bigger GC time gaps, which is not widely known by developers. The usual mantra is "bigger is better". At least this is not allways true for memory.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
I am still interested in your use and reason of thread context class loader in the super constructor call. The documentation of the thread context class loader on the net is sparse and contradicting at times. Your use is actually not inline with what I know about the thread context class loader. Who sets in your use the thread context class loader?
It may well be the case that my knowledge is faulty since I never dared to write a class loader in production code.
Feb 24, 2014 · Uri Lukach
Never write a class loader. Possible exceptions may be to learn, experience and practice what class loader is and how it works in Java or if you are developing a framework. This, however, has to be the understanding of your customer, who is financing your effort.
In all other cases invent into research to find an appropriate framework, like OSGi, servlet environment or Spring, JEE.
Having said that I see no explanation or reason why you are using the thread context class loader in your code.
Jan 31, 2014 · Allen Coin
By 2022 any programmer who have never heard about TDD will easily get job so long as long they can program in COBOL.
You think this is a joke. Actually it is, but as many jokes, you can have a look at it from the other side and take it serious. COBOL can be just any legacy knowledge.
Jul 16, 2013 · James Sugrue
Reading the comments many thoughts came up in my mind. Being a Java developer relatively inexperience in C++ I just learned recently that in C++ every function is "static" by default (they call no "static" method as virtual). If that was such a big problem it was not default by design. Or you can just say that this is also a proof of C++ being bad if you are a heated C++ hater. (Note that I use the word "static" in Java meaning in the above sentences, C++ uses static for different meaning.)
As for mocking: static methods can also be mocked, though this is a bit more difficult and needs mangling with the "function pointers" on a deeper level. PowerMock gives you tools for it. When you mock a method then the mock object is injected into the place of the original class and therefore you use the mocked method instead of the real one. In other words you replace the function reference along with the containing object. In case of static methods the containing object is the class itself. To mock that you need to replace the class. You can do that in the class loader mangling the JVM byte code in the class file. Tools do that for you.
Finally you come to the tricky part when you even want to mock classes that are loaded by the system class loader which you eventually (well, not eventually, but as a matter of fact) can not replace or pass by. But some trick may also help there and finally you can mock even the system class.