The Jakarta EE Ambassadors are thrilled to see Jakarta EE 10 being released! This is a milestone release that bears great significance to the Java ecosystem.
This article shows how Java 8 Optional can impact your code complexity. It can do so positively or negatively as Optional as a tool can simplify and complicate your code.
Explore fundamentals of Elasticsearch, a full-text search engine and analysis tool developed using Java programming language on Apache Lucene infrastructure.
AWS Database Migration Service provides heterogeneous migrations between different platforms. See the migration scenario between DocumentDB and MongoDB Atlas on AWS.
You can use Linkerd as a service mesh with Kubernetes, helping to manage communications for cloud-native apps and services while also feeding you data.
The problem lies squarely with the unavailability of the environment outside the compiler. Without its environment, testing an annotation processor is a lost cause.
A simple Spring Boot application with Data JPA (Hibernate) using embedded Hazelcast for the second-level cache with the support of the Kubernetes cluster.