The case is made for using Java EE 7 and 8 over Spring. Whether it's backward compatibility, the minimal configuration, or other benefits, here's what he has to say.
Amazon has updated their CloudFormation templates that now includes YAML, references across stacks, multiline support, and a simpler way to substitute strings.
Read this post and learn how you can process data from a database in parallel using parallel streams and Speedment, which can lead to significant speed increases.
The sleep method is explained with the use of closures. See how the sleep method works and how you can use interrupts to wake your code up when you want to.
Check out this quick code snippet to get hot swapping up and running for your Spring Boot app. Tired of having to exit out and restart after every change? No more.
The instructions on Apache and Sonatype's sites are pretty good at helping get a library released to Maven central. But it can be a bit painful. Read on to find out more.
What's the best way to add socket communications to your Node.js application? That's hard to say, but in this article, Cliff Hall shows you one quick and easy way to do it.
Follow one dev's thoughts on how you should handle exceptions, ranging from dealing with your catch blocks to using try-with-resources to avoiding using them at all.
Take a look at how Stormpath built their API with Spring Boot, including step-by-step instructions for setting up dependency injection, JSON conversion, and more.
In this article, the author will show you how to create a simple master-details application using Angular 2, TypeScript, Angular CLI and Eclipse Java EE.
Matt Pavlovich explains what the Maven Release Plugin is, why some people have been complaining about it, how to ensure success when using it, and more.