If engineering executives can’t manipulate the triangle to improve quality, what’s the key to ensure high quality of software output? The answer is Continuous Testing
Switching on features with Spring Profiles enables the save separation of different requirements in an application. Let's look at the architecture example here.
Learn how Intelligent Code Creation (ICC) leverages embedded intelligence models to offer developer assistance for writing secure and best code in the class.
Organizations have long focused on speeding up application development to deploy new software as soon as possible which frequently came at the cost of security.
We have highlighted the best free Jira plugins for you to jump-start your workflow automation processes. Number 2 is our all-time favorite tool. Find out why…
During development, it's hard to visualize the connections mentioned in Python code. We take a look at how to validate the DAG without deploying it on Airflow.
As Prometheus rises in popularity, we discuss approaches for implementing high availability, scalability, and long-term storage using a real consumer scenario.
This article will explore GPT-3 applications in the developer space to discuss how GPT-3 can help DevOps Engineers, SREs, technical customer support, and developers.
Software project management plays a vital role in delivery optimization. Here’s what experts have to say about it to help you get started the right way.
The Agile Enterprise Architecture Framework helps formulate a model in which the Agile Enterprise architect can be involved in the end-to-end activities.