Many of the concepts SREs take for granted about incident management originated with efforts to fight fires in California in the 1970s. Find out more below!
Take a look at the drivers in IT organizations that are contributing to the changing landscape and how the software testing landscape is shaping up in 2022
Bram is the original author, maintainer, release manager, and benevolent dictator for life of Vim, a vi-derivative text editor that is very popular among programmers and power users.
In this post, we'll cover why it's essential to test your code early in the DevOps process. We’ll also focus on specific practices of DevOps testing with examples.
A guide for Java developers who want to integrate Spring Boot Webflux applications with a remote LDAP server and authenticate/authorize their users with JWT.
This article talks about different ways to find out if a SQL Backup file is corrupt, automate the backup process, and some tips to test and avoid this problem.
Many Agile implementations in organizations suffer from this issue: humanity is taken out of Agile. In this article, learn how to make Agile more humane.
A guide for Java developers who want to integrate Spring Boot MVC applications with a remote LDAP server and authenticate/authorize their users with JWT.
In this blog post, we’ll look at the advantages of an SRE team where each member is a specialist, some crucial SRE specialist roles, and how they help.
In this 2-part blog series, I explain what agile development is and how it helps deliver software faster and then explore how you can implement this approach in SAP.
Measuring the ROI of remote work productivity means having the right software, hardware, and team members to ensure remote work can be done effectively.
Discover 10 important software development metrics that every project manager should know to make decisions based on data rather than guesses and assumptions.
Without organization, the backlog quickly gets chaotic. Let's look at how engineers, product managers, and teams can work together to keep tasks organised.
60 Scrum Master interview questions on how to make your Scrum Master fail, So far, this Scrum Master interview guide has been downloaded more than 22,000 times.