We are going to deep-dive into the HTTP Toolkit and its features. As performance engineers, it is our responsibility to learn various tools and technologies.
Committing to showcase new functionality every second Tuesday is an open invitation to cut corners. It creates a prototype mindset and increases technical debt.
Let's define the software development life cycle, make an overview of the 7 most used models, and find out their differences and benefits in project development.
In this post, I will discuss how application architecture, in my opinion, has evolved in the last few years and what has been the driving factor for each evolution.
The Agile Manifesto was drawn up by an all-male, predominantly American ad-hoc group suggesting how the rest of the global IT community should collaborate. Reason enough for a thorough reevaluation of their principles.
As organizations shift from monoliths to microservices, teams need ways to maximize efficiency and reduce pain points with changes in configuration and function of teams.
Mastering Kubectl is mandatory to manage a Kubernetes cluster. This post aims to give some guidelines to operate any Kubernetes objects in the command line.
It's hard to make the right decision. We will look at the tools to track small, medium, and large pieces of debt and the process to reduce technical debt.
TODOs is a simple method to manage your work and remind us of unfinished tasks. In this article, here are the 4 best ways to organize your list of TODOs.
The "boy scout rule" is "always leave the code better than you found it." It's simple, yet not everyone is doing it. Let's figure out why and how to fix it.
In this article, learn the importance of requirements in the software industry because if you are not clear with your requirements, your projects won't succeed.