This article is part two of a three-part series on using Heroku Managed Data products from within a Salesforce Function. In this article, we'll explore using Salesforce Functions with Heroku Data for Redis.
Learn how ChatGPT is revolutionizing the world of natural language processing by enabling businesses and organizations to engage in natural, human-like conversations with customers.
ChatGPT is a conversational bot launched by OpenAI in November 2022. This article explores how the conversational nature of ChatGPT can be used to learn Python.
Discussing distributed caching with Hazelcast and Spring Boot, distributed locks, and user code deployment to invoke code execution via Hazelcast on a service.
I originally wrote an article on pgbench and CockroachDB in October of 2021. Today, I am going to continue talking about pgbench optimizations you can implement to make CockroachDB perform.
I will be taking a closer look at a branch of mathematics known as queueing theory and its potential applications in the world of software engineering.
Years ago, Web application developers had the knowledge and the technical skills necessary to create an application, but now more specialization is required.
This article summarizes the designs of the distribution and partitioning for different types of graph databases to help you understand the differences between them.
Discussing and demonstrating the Spring Boot application of a solution for providing enum consistency between running the application code and data itself.
This article shows how to use MQTT in the Java project to realize the functions of connecting, subscribing, unsubscribing, publishing, and receiving messages.
An introduction to load balancing pattern, type of load balancer, cloud load balancer, open source load balancer, and finally, strategy to choose load balancer.
Understanding how a service mesh can impact your Kubernetes costs by going into what a service mesh is and how it can help reduce your Kubernetes costs.
DTO is probably the most straightforward pattern in object-oriented programming. In this post, learn how to create them properly and the motives for using DTOs.