Learn the steps to integrate Microsoft Outlook and Mulesoft with Oauth 2.0 authentication so you can read or write to a mailbox using modern authentication.
We focused on enhancing ETA in Logistics and how to calculate it. Computing the estimated time of arrival is one of the ways toward customer satisfaction.
Considering a DevOps career move? You might already have what it takes. Your current skills and some knowledge of DevOps as a process can get you started.
Whether it’s to streamline our business functionalities or launch an app that simplifies our life, we need reliable and scalable systems at every step.
Here, go beyond the theory of "chopping the monolith," and learn how to concretely achieve isolating some parts of code in a dedicated Function-as-a-Service.
For some time, the idea of building a Raspberry Pi cluster has been in the back of my head. In this article, I’ll show you how to build one from scratch.
Blockchain is the solution to the challenge of the Internet of Nano Things. Blockchain will lead IoNT to an era of trust, security, and decentralization.
Learn how to use the AWS Lambda, as well as design and build a Serverless function to trigger Bitrise builds with Bitrise API via the custom Lambda function.