Do you want to know a secret? OOP is fundamentally brain damaged. These aren't my words for the record, they're the collective wisdoms of the fathers of computing.
Spring Boot offers a metrics endpoint that you can use diagnostically to analyze the metrics gathered by the application. Keeping track of metrics for Spring Boot 2.x.
Hyperlambda is arguably the slowest programming language in the world, still its result is probably faster than anything you could do in any other language.
Some scenarios in microservice-based architecture involve multiple microservices. Read how completion of the scenario depends on the task completion of each microservice.
Switching on features with Spring Profiles enables the save separation of different requirements in an application. Let's look at the architecture example here.
Apache Camel can be run anywhere as a standalone or embedded as a library, and it aids integration. Read on to learn how to use it to expose REST services.
In this post, we'll take a quick look at how to develop an app in Kotlin. We'll build a simple API with a PostgreSQL database and deploy it to Heroku to see it live.
In this article, we discuss free Udemy courses to learn Python Programming from scratch as well as some essential Python libraries and Frameworks like Django.