In this article, we are going to learn how to configure Spring Boot to handle exceptions, including custom ones, and customize the error responses and handling.
Summary of the annotations we should use in each testing scenario using JUnit 5 and Spring Test Framework to eliminate redundant annotations and negative outputs.
Micro Frontend considers web applications as a collection of features controlled by separate teams. Here is a step-by-step how to build a micro frontend based on Angular.
Learn how to control OAuth in a load-balanced application. This post shows how to manage sessions for a simple load-balanced application that uses OAuth 2.0.
Machine Learning isn't just meant for big machines with lots of GPUs. What if you can execute ML models on your phone! And with React Native it's not all that hard!
In this article, I'll discuss how you can take a real-world REST application example adapted to spring-cloud-function and speed up the cold start time using GraalVM.
Learn how to create High Order Components with Angular and how to send Components via @input() into another component using examples from a dynamic wrapper.
This article covers the basics of DI supported by the Spring Framework, including configuration types, injection variants, and how to inject different types.
This article is the last one in my mini-series dedicated to dependency injection with the Spring framework. Using generics to simplify injecting beans with Spring framework.
This article sets out to conduct a performance test on the Spring Boot Pet Clinic application to see whether any performance bottlenecks can be identified.
In this post, we are going to build an aggregator for API calls using the Enricher EIP. A tutorial on how to aggregate sequential calls to REST APIs in a single response.