With so many voices out there on the Internet, who should you really be following to get the latest and greatest Java news and tips? Here are 10 experts.
Of course, in Java, arguments are always passed by value. Let's see what that means inside and the heap with primitives, collections, and making modifications.
OpenCSV is a popular library for handing CSV data in Java projects, but there's a slight problem when dealing with backslashes. Let's see what it is and how to fix it.
In functional programming, your functions should not have side effects. Make sure you are using pure functions with these examples of side effects to avoid.
Let's dive into JShell and, in particular, see how it's used to interact with some of Java 9's newest features, including the updates to the Streams API.
Learn how to configure Telegraf, a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics, to pull metrics from a Java app inside a Docker container.