In this article, we discuss how PDF file structure manages individual page objects, and we learn how to split those pages into new PDF documents with APIs.
Exploring the JVM ecosystem reveals a strong correlation between energy efficiency and code performance, with GraalVM as a top-tier runtime for optimizing both.
Apache Flink is a crucial component of Apache Paimon since it offers the real-time processing power that enhances Paimon's strong consistency and storage features.
In this guide, you will learn how to integrate AI into your Spring Boot app using Spring AI and simplify your AI setup with familiar Spring abstractions.
Learn how Row Level Security (RLS) enforces data isolation in multi-tenant SaaS systems with a shared database model to improve security and reduce errors.
Learn how PowerPoint PPTX files are structured and discover popular open-source and web-API solutions for programmatically editing PPTX content in Java.
Legacy rules engines offer predictable automation but lack scalability and personalization; ML revolutionized this by enabling adaptive, data-driven decisions.
This tutorial demonstrates how to test DELETE requests using the Playwright Java framework for API testing, using examples of deleting data using an API.
Skip if-else statements by using design patterns, polymorphism, and functional strategies for cleaner, more adaptable, and significantly more testable code architectures.
This article is an in-depth guide to immutability in programming, its advantages, challenges, and how Java's Record classes simplify creating immutable objects.
The article introduces Ulyp, an agent that can record the Java/Kotlin app execution flow. The tool can help understand code faster and debug more efficiently.